Chapter 27

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I don't know what happened after that. I didn't t hear anything or see anything. I might as well have not even been there. But no matter how much I pleaded or cried, I was stuck.
"Puck?" I questioned, just to make sure that I wasn't delusional and what was happening was really happening.
"Yeah," he said, separating from his girlfriend and looking quite annoyed.
I just couldn't believe it. Everything just seemed to be going g down hill. First it was Granny. Then Daphne. Then Puck. I just couldn't do it anymore.
That was basically all I had to say to him.
He scoffed,"You were just way to easy. I used to like you, then you became all 'I hate the world and everything in it.'"
I lowered my head. It was all my fault that all of this was happening to me. There was nothing left for me to live for anymore.
"Plus," he continued, "You were the whole reason that I got banished from the faerie kingdom. I can't even get near my brother. You had all the family that you could ever want, but you decided that you wanted to wallow in your own self pity. But guess what Sabrina? Everyone became fed up and we are here now."
I let the tears fall from my eyes. No matter how hard I wanted to deny it, Puck was right. I had everything that I could ever want, but I let the war get the best of me and I shut them all out.
It was at at that moment that I realized that I needed to stand up for myself now. I couldn't just sit there and allow them to kill me. I shuffled a little bit to make it look like I was just feeling uncomfortable on the rock hard ground, but in reality, I moved the small knife in my back pocket so that it was easier to reach.
I just needed to wait for my shot.
He kept on talking, but all I heard was silence. All I saw was red.
Soon enough, Puck bent down and got really close to me.
This was my shot.
My shot to end this all.
My shot to live freely.
My shot to start again.
Then why wasn't I taking it?
"Because you love him," I whispered to myself.
His gave me a confused expression,"What?"
I sighed,"Because I love you. I love you and that's what's allowing me to sit here and take all of this bullshit right now. I just don't understand how I can love you right now. You killed my sister and you're still breathing. And I wondered how I was allowing that."
Melodie stopped smiling and so did Puck.
"All those years, I thought that you were the only one on my side and really, you've been plotting against me. When you told me this, I should have been furious, but I wasn't. A little hurt, yeah, but not angry. You know, I should have known that you were too good to be true."
He cocked his head to the side because he didn't know where I was going with this. But I knew where I was going with this.
"I should have known that some blonde haired, green eyed jock wouldn't want to be with me when he can have a beautiful, blonde cheerleader. I mean it's all logical."
I slowly stood up and walked over to them,"This was all my fault. I didn't see any of the signs before. I thought it was going to be like a fairy tale. I was trying to be the princess and you were supposed to be my prince. But I should have known."
I laughed and insane sort of laugh.
"I should have known because."
I paused and looked around. I stopped and looked directly into his eyes before saying.
"Well, because its not a fairy tale."
And then ... I plunged my knife deep, deep into his throat.

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