Chapter 33

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I stared in amazement at how he had found my house.
"Are you going to invite him in?" Chandler questioned me after I stood there for a few seconds.
I slowly nodded and motioned for Puck to come in.
Red came out and showed him to the kitchen where she set up an extra place for him at the table.
Before we walked into the kitchen, Chan took my arm.
"Who is that guy?" He asked me.
I sighed,"Someone from my past."
We walked into the kitchen to witness Puck shoveling food In his mouth like he had never eaten before.
After the meal, Chandler and Red excused themselves and left Puck and I at the table.
"Why did you follow me home?" I asked him as he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
He shrugged,"I don't know. I needed to talk to you and you left me in the woods."
I nodded.
He gently brushed the hair that was covering his eyes away, kind of like I had often seen Chandler doing.
"So, where are you living now?" I asked the green eyes that I fell in love with so long ago.
He shrugged,"I don't know. That asylum dropped me off with ten thousand dollars and wishes that I found myself a better start in the world. I didn't know what to do so I went for the one thing that had always been home. You."
I blushed and pushed my hair behind my ears.
He continued,"And then you told me that you ha doubts yourself a new home. A fiancé. A future child... I wasn't going to follow you home, but I had no where else to turn."
I have a sheepish smile. Being the person that my parents made me, I knew that I should invite him in and offer him a place to stay while he got his feet back in the ground, but my grandmother and Puck himself has turned me into something completely different.
I whispered a quick prayer and hoped that I was making that right decision.
"Puck, I don't want you to be out there all alone on the streets tonight. I mean, this is New York City. I am going to offer you a place to stay for a little while, until you find your own place. Under some conditions. One, you contribute. You help with food and supplies and anything else that we contribute to ourselves. Two, you sleep on the couch. I don't need you coming to me in the middle of the night or pulling anything to get me back with you because Chandler and I are perfectly happy and I'd be damned if you mess that up for me. And lastly..."
I took in a deep breath,"If you so much as break a fingernail of mine, Chandler's, or Red's, you're gone. Out of our apartment. Out of my life. Forever. You fucked up my life once, and I'm not letting you do it again."
He looked down in embarrassment and nodded sheepishly.
I slid my hand across the table and placed it on top of his.
As soon as our hands touched, several different memories rushed through my head.
First, was when we were younger and he would pull annoying pranks on me. Changing my hair color. Putting small elves in the toilet. Writing Captain... it's been so many years that I'm not exactly sure what he wrote in my forehead, but I know he wrote it in permanent marker and it was stuck there for weeks.
Then it was him sticking up for me in class and outside of school whenever Peter and his girlfriend decided that they wanted to trip or make fun of me.
Then the night when we rushed into Granny's house, only to find my sister brutally murdered. And how he had comforted me and told me that he loved her too and that he would always be there for me.
Then that fateful night. When he revealed that all of the love, pain, sorrow, and sadness that he felt was all a lie. That the love and care that he showed me was also a lie and that he didn't give a fuck in whether I died.
I jerked my hand back and pushed those memories to the very back of my mind.
"Sabrina, I won't hurt you."
His bright green eyes locked with my icy blue ones. Those green eyes that I had looked into in the past and knew that everything was going to be okay. Those eyes that showed no regret in killing Daphne or to kill me. The eyes that showed no true loyalty.
I pushed my seat back from the table,"I'm not quite sure of that yet."

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