Blood for blood - Chapter 2

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''HAPPY birthday, Callista!''

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''HAPPY birthday, Callista!''

This was the fifth person who had come up to her to give out their birthday wishes, accompanied with the occasional hug. She typed her combination into her locker, and swung the metal door open, adding her newest birthday card to the collection of cards already crammed and stuffed into her locker.

She had an inkling that this was all her best-friend's doing, because no one had ever even bothered showing her attention before today.

''Okay, so we have the invites.'' Sarah started, eyes moving down the list. ''Kevin, Sean, Ludwig, Heather, Symphony, Phoebe . . . '' She paused. ''Should we even invite Phoebe?''

Trisha made large 'no way' motions with her hands and arms. ''That girl's weird, and besides, she's crushing hard on Sean.''

Sarah glared down at her. ''This is about Callie and who she wants to invite, not you.''

Trisha made no fight for her case, so Sarah just continued on reading out the names on the list.

''Hey, Callie.''

The girl in question was like a deer caught in headlights, a blushing pathetic mess, as Kevin Durango strutted up to her, holding a bundle of roses so perfect, she was almost certain they were fake.

''H - hey, Kevin.'' She cursed herself. She hated the fact she could barely keep conversation with anyone even remotely cute. And the thing was she didn't even like the Latino. He was just so hot.

''Hey,'' He greeted, with that sexy laid back attitude of his. ''I heard it was your birthday. Me and a couple of guys are throwing a party after our game in celebration, and we were wondering if you'd like to - ''

''Um, dude. Do you even read your texts?'' Sarah cut off. ''Were already doing something for her birthday, that you're invited to.''

''Oh.'' He blinked in surprise, before fixing his composure. ''I guess I'll be there then.'' His eyes found somebody behind her, before jumping back to hers. ''Oh. And these are for you.''

She took them hesitantly, studying him.

He didn't seem....authentic. ''Thanks, I guess, Kevin.''

''No prob,'' And with that, he was off, strutting to his next class.

''Wait!'' Sarah called, catching up to him. She looked around suspiciously before slipping something into his palm.

Cash. Callie noted. She had paid him to do it.


''What?'' The brunette questioned, staring at her for a few minutes before realizing she'd caught on. ''I'm just trying to make sure you genuinely have a good birthday.''

''It's 'good' until people start being fake about it.''

Sarah thought about it, before giving in. ''You're right, I'm sorry.''

''It's alright,'' She sighed. ''But please don't pay anymore people, I don't think I can deal with it anymore.''

Trisha glanced over in the direction of Callie's locker. ''Speaking of paying, did you pay all those people to make her cards?''

Sarah's eyebrows shot up. ''Surprisingly, no.''

Callie shot her a 'do I look stupid to you' look over her shoulder. ''You seriously expect me to believe that all these people genuinely made me cards out of the kindness of their hearts, when no one even knew I existed before today?''

''I mean...when you put it like that, it sounds unbelievable. But I genuinely didn't have anything to do with it. Kevin being the exception, because I know you like him.''

''Like him? Never. Think he's attractive, and would date him if given the opportunity? Absolutely.''

''Doesn't matter if you like him or not. I ship it, and when I ship something, It almost always happens.'' Sarah grinned, clapping her hands together like an excited child opening presents on Christmas day.

Callie wasn't completely opposed to the idea of getting with the hottest guy in their grade, but she wasn't going to willingly drag herself into those positions, knowing her friends were gonna try and set them up.

Her eyes stopped on a figure at the end of the hall, startling her. Her heart jumped out of her chest, figuratively speaking. She blinked, finding them gone. The figure and her friends. The faint ringing of the bell, fading into the background.

It took a teacher screaming at her, to bring her to the right state of mind.

Later, she found herself along with Trisha, Sarah, and a couple of other girls, huddled in the small four walls that made up a majority of her bedroom. Looking through her closet to find something suitable to wear to a club.

Callie had many jewelry choices, and shoes that could match with anything she decided to put together, she however, was short of dresses. Unless the hideous dress she was gifted by a neighbor for last Christmas was even considered a dress with it's length.

It barely covered anything!

''God, Callie! You barely have anything in this closet!'' Sarah exasperated. ''Is this even a girl's closet?''

''Very much so.''

She distracted herself by shoveling through her drawers, which Callie didn't mind all that much, knowing how nosy the other could get when applied with enough boredom. Her eyes snapped to Trisha who was in the process of stealing her favorite cherry-bomb chapstick.

''That's mine.'' She stated blankly. ''Put it back.''

The brunette did as she asked, but not without giving her an exaggerated eye roll framed by her beautifully straight lashes.

''Ooh! This is cute! You should wear this with your outfit!'' Sarah suddenly exclaimed.

Callie sighed under her breath. God, what had she found now?

Her heart dropped as soon as she laid eyes on the silvery piece of metal her best friend had discovered at the bottom of her underwear drawer.

'' -- I think it's pretty cute, and it'll go with anything you pair with it.'' She continued her rant, unaware of the other's vastly deflating mood. ''Matter of fact, I'll wear it if you don't - ''

Callie was quick to snatch the emerald ring from out of her grip, and cradle it to her chest. Ignoring the weirded-out looks, her friends directed at her.

They'd never know the sentimental value the ring held.

She slipped it onto her third finger, avoiding looking directly at any of the girl's shooting her concerned, if not confused looks.

''Okay, then...'' Mika, a quirky ginger with fairly large eyes tested the waters by saying. Licking her lips. ''Freak.''

''Can you not?'' Sarah glared at her. It wasn't long before her eyes widened, and her attention was captured on something else. ''Oh my God, this sweater is so cute!''

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