Blood for blood - Chapter 17

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CALLIE clutched her stomach as another cramp tore through her, from the inside out

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CALLIE clutched her stomach as another cramp tore through her, from the inside out. She bit her lips, breathing in deeply, before releasing when it went away. She dug her nails into her skin, painful almost, she peeked at Alec, who was very aware of her blatant stares.

He drew his bottom lip in between his teeth in concentration as he made a steady turn to the left, glancing over at her briefly.

After a couple more minutes of their staring game going on, and Callie wincing, Alec let out a loud sigh. ''What?''

''Can we stop at a gas-station or something?'' She asked. ''I need to use the bathroom.'' Something weird was going on downstairs.

He didn't say anything at first, but the look in his eyes said it all. He breathed deeply, looking at her through serious green irises. ''Can you hold it? We're about to get on a highway.''

She shook her head in all raw honesty. ''I think...'' She bit her lip again. ''I think my period came on.''

He ran a stressed hand through his whitish hair, releasing his lip from his brutal bites. There was nothing he could say that would make their circumstances any better. He couldn't neglect her female duties

They pulled over at a small convenient store, parking directly beside one of the gas station pumps.

He tugged on her wrist, before she could make a move. ''Keep your head down,'' He instructed. ''You're not wearing a mask, which makes you completely recognizable.''

Alec squinted as she tucked a fallen strand of hair, behind her ear. ''And take your hair down, it's thick enough to hide your facial profile.''

Her tangled waves cascaded down her back pon her release, as she snapped the now abandoned scrunchie on her wrist. She shot him a sarcastic smile. ''Anything else, dad?''

He kept his deadpanning eyes on her all the way until she disappeared behind the entrance of the store.

The store was nothing special. It had a couple empty shelves, snacks, cigarettes. She allowed her eyes to scan everything as she entered, greeting a couple of loiterers, in an attempt at looking normal.

At the counter was a teenage boy and his father. The boy couldn't be any older than she was, maybe in his early twenties, while his father was sporting a Hippy goatee, and a potbelly that protruded through his unbuttoned flannel.

After exchanging her hellos with them she began her quest. Searching every rack and shelf with herself, and her cramps, in mind.

Chips, no. Ice-cream and dairy products, no.


She went to salvage the shelf, letting out an involuntary groan of disappointment when she came to find it empty.

''Looking for something?''

She jumped about three feet in the air, whipping around to face the son of the cashier. He offered her a kind smile, his eyes saying 'sorry' though his mouth wasn't.

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