Blood for blood - Chapter 9

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''WE'VE just received an update on the Callista Ford abduction case

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''WE'VE just received an update on the Callista Ford abduction case. Police officials say surveillance cameras outside of The Diamond Unicorn - the 21-and-older club, that the eighteen-year-old was allegedly abducted from, may have caught sight of the suspect's face. And while we do not know the identity of the suspect some eyewitnesses describe the suspect as tall, standing around five-eleven, to six feet, with blonde hair, and green or greenish-blue eyes. He was last seen wearing a dark-grey hoodie and jeans. If you come across the suspect, don't approach. It is possible that he is armed with a firearm. Don't be afraid to contact the police. Sarah, back to you.''

John tore his eyes away from the screen, having an internal debate with himself. Yes, surely they had caught sight of their suspect's face on surveillance cameras, and yes they had one of their best artists working on a sketch to release to the public, and though they were one step closer to finding Callista's location, he still felt as if he was one step... back.

His eyes landed on a familiar elderly brunette. ''Hey, Brenda. Do you know if Carter's clocked in yet?''

She shook her head. ''Knowing him, he's probably never going to show up.'' She joked.

''What do you mean? Why? What happened?''

''Aww, Smith. It almost sounds like you care.'' Came the familiar voice behind him.

John sighed in annoyance, but also in relief. Though he'd never admit that to Carter. Today was one of 'those' days, where he wasn't feeling completely sure about himself and his decisions.

Though he felt like he'd done everything he possibly could do right now, there was still an uncomfortable feeling lingering in the pit of his stomach, saying that he either missed some important piece of information, or that something was going to go horribly wrong.

And no one but Carter could really understand how he was feeling. Hell, Carter may have been stupid, and incredibly unprofessional half the time at everything he did, but Carter was stupidly good at reading people and their body-language, and he could tell what somebody was thinking without them saying it, or just John himself.

Carter slapped a hand on his shoulder, a hand that John glared at, wishing it'd disappear.

''Stop worrying, Smith. We've done everything we can possibly do.'' He assured him with a shoulder squeeze. ''We got our artist working on the sketch to release to the public. We've got the background research information coming in.'' He listed off. ''We've done everything we possibly can.''

''And yet it still feels like it isn't... enough.'' John said.

Carter scoffed. ''I think you just worry too much. Loosen up, Smith. Get a drink with me, live, love, laugh and all that good stuff. You can't spend your life cooped up in a suit, in your office.''

''No, I think the problem is you worry too little, Woods. What if some key source of information was to come to the station tonight and we're out getting drinks? Then what? We miss out on some vital information.''

''No.'' Carter denied, lighting up a cigarette. ''Then we let Bob, and what's-her-face, take care of it. They don't do anything 'round here, except sit around and take up space.''

''At least they show up to work.'' John retorted, snatching the cigarette from out of his hand, and tossing it into the bin.

Carter glared daggers at him.

That was a low-blow, and he knew it.

''Well, I'm here now. And that's all that matters.''

''No, what matters is that we solve this case, so this young woman can come out of this unscathed, and untouched.''

Carter began digging around in John's desk, using the time he was distracted by ranting to be nosy. After a minute, his smile widened. An open envelope in his grasp.

''Good news.''

John lit up like a candle. ''What? We have traces of DNA that can lead to the arrest of our suspect?

''No, even better.''

John's eyes ran over the paper in a stunned silence, not because they had just received news that there was more to Callista Ford's past then her Library records had shown, but because they now had their first suspects.

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