Blood for blood - Chapter 19

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SOMETHING about the air was different on this side, Callie noticed

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SOMETHING about the air was different on this side, Callie noticed. In a good way. Not only was she seeing less, and less buildings and Suburban homes and apartments, but she was starting to see more landscapes. More vegetation, more hills and farms.

She had even seen a family of wild horses, roaming the lands freely. She had jumped excitedly, poking and prodding Alec, until he looked over and saw the horses for himself.

He wasn't impressed though.

She put her inner city-girl to rest, swearing to herself she'd stay quiet for the remainder of their drive. She had a feeling she wouldn't have to stay quiet for much longer though, they passed homes, and neighborhoods, until Alec eventually made a turn into one.

The houses were rundown in a rustic, sexy way. Under different circumstances, she might've found herself here on a family trip with her foster parents, trying to sneak off with the hot hunk of a man she would've probably eventually met.

The car slowed, and came to a stop in front of a particular house.

The house had a style to it, a deliberate sense of flair, a romantic flair. Intimate almost. As if it were born and handcrafted by a county-side hunk, in a muscle-T, for his lady, and their newborn baby son.

She decided she liked its distinctiveness.

Alec unclipped his seatbelt. He lifted his hoodie over his head, leaving him only in an off-white tank that highlighted his protruding muscles which were now in the gawk-sight of Callie, and a  loose pair of jeans.

She liked, no. Loved this look on Alec. Adding country boys, onto her mental list of 'hot out-of-state boys'

He tossed his gun into the dashboard, before glancing at her through the corner of his eyes. ''Stay here.''

And with that, he left her to wait in the car, for the second time within forty-eight hours.

She peered at him through the windows, trying to get a better look at the house, with her limited space, which was starting to look prettier the longer she stared at it.

In anyone else's, the house would be less desirable for being so far out of town. The front door, made of light wood planks, and poorly applied brick, with silver hinges spreading half way across it, had that rustic appeal the rich city folk craved.

Alec pressed the smooth button on the door, enough times to be heard, but not irritating. He tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans, bringing Callie's wandering eyes to his backside.

Though it was just for a millisecond, she looked away, feeling guilty. Like a pervert, checking out an innocent ongoer.

Her thoughts diminished and her attention was stolen, as soon as the door swung open.

Seeing two people - wearing wisdom and grief in the form of age lines, and greying heads - answer the door, no doubt his parents.

They looked shocked to see him, but didn't hesitate to pull him into their loving embrace.

She almost smiled, but then she saw their mouths move, and then his. And then not even a second later, they all were all looking at the car.

Alec made two 'cmere' motions with his fingers, causing her to suck in a large breath.

God! This would be so-

She took in a deep breath.

She had this.

She stepped out of the car, slipping on her friendliest face. Here goes nothing. She bit into her lip, coming to meet the people who had birthed Alec.

''Callista, right?'' The woman smiled, the crows feet on the corner of her eyes, becoming more prominent. ''I'm Eileen, and this hunka ' junk over here, is Clifford, but everybody call him Cliff.''

Callie shook their hands. ''Hi! Callie, you can call me.'' She looked at the house under closer inspection, seeing all its imperfections and dents, and falling in love with it. ''I love your house.''

''God,'' Eileen swooned, wiping an imaginary tear from the corner of her eye. ''She's even more beautiful than in the photographs, Alecksander.''


It looked like her question would remain unanswered though, as they led them inside the house.

Entering the house was an easy auditory shower of sweet pop music from a distant radio, probably in the kitchen. Her eyes were greeted by hundreds of family photos and the well-loved furniture of years.

Even the news channel could be heard playing on a distant television, and a hefty, slightly round, man spread lazily across the couch seemed to be the reason behind it.

It appeared Alec was not the only child, judging from how many dirty shoes were splattered across the welcome mat, and all the pictures hanging up on the wall. Or maybe they just had a ton of family members.

Eilene led her into the kitchen, while Alec was pulled aside by Cliff for a chat.

Callie ran her hand over the kitchen wall tiles, each one of them being a smooth horizontal glass bar. She ran her fingers over a chip in the wall. Tracing it, before continuing it's trail on the glossy countertops.

Her eyes caught on the beautiful plants, in the corner of the room. With flowers in full bloom, with calm pastels and wine-colored petals.

The older woman turned off the beeping timer on the Oven, letting out a colorful string of expletives after forgetting to slip on her oven mittens.

Callie immediately tended to her side with worried eyes. ''Are you alright?''

The woman sucked on her teeth, running her fingers under cool water. ''I'm good, hun.'' A moment later her face shifted into anger.

''Leo, Jessie, and Sue, get off your lazy arse's and come down here now!''

A beat of silence. ''And, you too, Aaron!''

And then a bombard of heavy footsteps, stomping down the stairs.

''What're you screamin' about now, woman?'' A man with a scruffy looking beard, and a slightly protruding belly complained, with a southern drawl to his words.

An encore of faces entered in Callie's line of vision.

Alec joined her side, not a second later, and silence broke out.

One second.


Even three.

And then. ''Alec? But, how? You're on the news.'' A pretty buck-toothed brunette started in shock. ''Momma, he's a criminal. Alec's a damned criminal!''

''You've gotta be joking.'' A huge woman towering over all the men, rocking a large set of busts, said. ''You've gotta be joking me, Alecksander, what're you doing back here?''

Alec smiled at her, pulling her into a bear hug.

Callie was certain, she had never seen Alec smile before. And now she could die in peace, knowing that she had witnessed history being made.

He had actually smiled, and he had a nice smile too.

More footsteps echoed down the stairs. And a, ''What's all this ruckus about?'' He stopped in his tracks, eyes wide in shock, but not Euphoria. It was almost as if he were seeing a ghost. ''Alec?''

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