Blood for blood - Chapter 35

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A semi-groggy, semi-drunk, Carter answered the door

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A semi-groggy, semi-drunk, Carter answered the door. He blinked in surprise when he saw who was on the other side. '' -- Smith? What are you doing here?''

John glanced behind him, as if afraid someone would jump out from in the dark, and mug him. Carter lived in more of the criminal-ridden, rundown parts of town. ''Can I . . . can I come in?''

Carter blinked, but nodded, nonetheless. Opening the door wider for him to come in through. ''To what do I owe you this great visit?''

John scrunched his nose, at the pungent smell of alcohol and cigarettes in Carter's apartment. It was all that, Carter, but it still managed to surprise him. He took a seat on what looked like a . . . clean sofa?

He couldn't tell if the color was naturally brown, or if it were a brighter color and had spent years, and years, of build up, and second-hand smoke, that had turned it a shade darker, and he didn't want to psyche himself out by finding out the answer.

Carter sat across from him, lighting up a cigarette as he always did, and looking at him straight-on. As if waiting for an explanation on his visit.

John rubbed shaky hands together, letting multiple breaths escape his breath. He didn't know how to explain any of it, without looking like the scumbag his brother was.

Carter put a hand on his thigh, as he had done on many occasions before, stopping him from bouncing his leg.

However, this time John felt more nervous than ever. ''Carter...'' He started, clearing his throat to straighten his shaky words up. ''Carter I . . . ''

'' -- like you,'' Carter finished, releasing the grey smoke toxins into the air as he exhaled. ''I know.''

John dipped his head, unable to hide his grin from upturning his lips, and Carter was unable to hide his.

Well, that was partially a relief, he thought. But would Carter still like him after what he was about to tell him? Was the question burning in his mind.

''Whatever it is, you're thinking.'' Carter started, his eyes solemn and serious. Holding no trace of a lie. ''You can tell me.''

John hesitated, and was sure every part of his body was shaking, but Carter was quick to put a stop to that. Taking his hand in his, and entwining their fingers together. ''I promise, whatever it is. I'll be understanding.''

He knew that, and Carter knew that, but that was the problem.

Carter would be understanding of anyone. Even those who didn't deserve it.

That was who Carter Woods was.

John pulled his hand away to bury his face in it, but Carter was quick to pull it back, and bring it to his lips.

John could only watch him.

''I promise,'' Carter promised him.

And that was all it took for John to crack. He dipped his head hellwards, and lowered his eyes in shame.

''Callie and Alec are innocent.'' He told him.

Carter was unmoving, bringing his cigarette back to his mouth. ''I know that.''

''And I . . . ''

A deep breath.

''I was the one who framed them.''

And there it was.

He was quick to fill the silence, opening his mouth again, before Carter could ask the question he knew was on the tip of his tongue. ''Under my brother's orders,''

A long and tense silence.

Though Carter didn't look mad, he had put out his cigarette and dropped it somewhere in the background, studying John.

Then his eyes lit up in slight recognition.

''And I'm guessing Jarvis... Smith, is your brother?''

A heartbeat. A nod.


''My God, John. We must inform the Chief about this. The -- the captain, sergeant, corporal and... the FBI! This'll fix everything, if we just - ''

''No!'' John snapped. ''I wasn't even supposed to tell you, Carter, can't you see that? He'll kill me and you if he finds out I opened my mouth . . . Jarvis... he's,'' He cut himself off. ''The only reason I told you about this is so you can get far away from here.''

Carter shook his head. ''I'm not leaving. I'm not going anywhere, John. We're in this together, we'll do this together. I'm - ''

''Carter, you might die if you stay!''

''And you might die if I go.'' Carter stated. ''So, I'm staying. I'm not leaving.''

''So, we'll just take a vacation then? Go somewhere with nice lakes. Somewhere far away from here.''

''No, John.'' He snapped. ''I'm not leaving my people here to die. And there's nothing, you can say that'll make me change my mind.'' He said flatly, and stubbornly. Crossing his arms across his chest.

John bit back a sad smile, reaching into his back pocket for a certain object. A syringe filled with clear liquid. ''I don't think you understand, Carter. You are.''

He shut his eyes, so he wouldn't have to see Carter's wide eyes, or betrayed expression, and pushed the sharp end of the needle into his skin, emptying the contents into his body.

''I'm sorry, Carter.'' He said, as the other began losing his fight, and energy. ''I couldn't live with myself, knowing I let you die because of me.'' He brushed his fingers across Carter's eyelids, easing them closed.

When the other fell unconscious, he kissed him on his forehead. ''Goodbye, Carter.''

After a couple of minutes, he lifted the unconscious body over his shoulders, and brought it to a particular navy-blue car with tinted-black windows.

Leo rolled them down, raising his eyebrows at him.

''Take him somewhere far.'' John instructed, pressing another kiss to Carter's head, as he loaded him into the back seat. ''Somewhere far away from here.''

''You got it.''

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