Blood for blood - Chapter 28

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''WE have Air-one, on us

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''WE have Air-one, on us.'' Alec swore, his grip tightening on Callie's wrist.

Five-hundred feet above them, was a man. A pilot, and his partner, sitting in the driver's, and passenger seat, of a white and blue Chopper. He clicked on his radio, ''Air-one to Alpha, Air-one to Alpha, do you read?''

''Alpha, to Air-one, we copy.''

''We have a direct view of the suspects,'' He said over the radio. ''Their on foot. I repeat, the suspects are on foot.''

''Alright, don't take them out of your sights.''


''Keep up,'' Alec instructed, noticing her slower strides. ''We can't slow down, they're directly above us.''

She slowed down just then, hunching over with both hands over her knees. Completely out of breath, ''I... don't know if you realized it, but this bag... probably weighs more than me... and you, combined.''

He took it from her, keeping his pace the same. ''Now don't fall behind.''

Callie picked up her strides, sighing in relief at her now free, and aching shoulders.

''We can lose them.'' He declared, pointing at the stretch of trees ahead. ''You'll have to keep up though.''

The pilot squinted, gesturing for his passenger to get on the radio.

''We're about to lose the suspects to a patch of trees.''

''Fly ahead, and see if you can get a view of them. Police are on their way.''

''Copy that.''

Callie found herself falling, lurching forward as she tripped over a slippery patch of leaves, but Alec held her up by her arm, bringing her back to her feet before she could tumble down the hill.

''We're not losing them.'' She stated, glancing skyward, and still seeing the vehicle above them. ''We need to go faster.''

Alec shook his head. ''No, we need to shoot it down.''

Her mouth fell open, her eyes widening a smidgen. ''Alec, we're innocent. If we shoot them down, they'll have reason to prove we're not. And reason to shoot us.''

''Why do you think they're trailing us? To invite us to a tea-party?'' He asked sarcastically. ''They're calling back-up, which means soon, this place will be crawling with feds.''

Callie caught herself before she tripped over a rock, looking at him through serious eyes. ''They'll never be able to catch up, we've been running for hours.''

''You think a little grass will stop them from coming after us? They'll be here in vehicles, squad-cars, motorcycles,'' He listed off on his fingers. '' - and we're here on foot. Which means they'll catch up a lot sooner than you think, and if we want to keep them from finding us, we need to take out their eyes and ears.'' He pointed to the Chopper which had emerged from the clouds.

He looked at her, through pretty green irises that she found reminded her of hers.

She licked her lips, and nodded.

The men in the chopper braced themselves for a rough landing, feeling their first three blades go out at once.

The pilot shakily grabbed the wheel to the rocking vehicle. He let out a breath, clicking on the Emergency signal, and his Radio.

''10-33, 10-33, Air-one to dispatch, we're about to go down. Shots have been fired!

''Copy-that,'' Dispatch replied. ''Are you and your partner okay?''

The pilot glanced over, his eyes widening pon seeing his partner gargle on his own blood as a stray bullet hit him in the neck.

''Man down, I repeat, man down!''

''We have officers and ambulances arriving on scene. Can you land it?''


Alec felt the sling dig into his shoulder as he readjusted the rifle on his shoulder along with the duffel bag of supplies.

They were still flying.

He swung the rifle around and laid the stock on the pack.

He lifted the bolt handle, swiping a finger across it before reaching into the bag as he pulled out a number of rounds and pressed them each into the chamber.

One. Two. Three. All he needed to make a sufficient shot.

Completing the motion, he set the bag down. Letting the rifle come to rest on the nook of his shoulder.

A slight adjustment brought the chopper into clear focus. They were smoking already, and he had already taken at least two of their blades out. However, they needed only two to land the plane, and if they succeeded in landing the plain, they'd still be able to track them.

He took in a deep breath, feeling Callie's breath on the back of his shoulders, and part of his neck. He allowed his finger to graze the trigger, and when he got a perfect view, he put his finger on the trigger and squeezed it ever so slightly.

He couldn't tell if his heart was beating in Adrenalin, or their close proximity.

He eased his finger over.

One shot.

All he needed was one shot.

The shot came as a surprise to both him and Callie. The rifle buckled against his shoulder, and with a stinging vibration the shot rang out.

Taking out the engine in one swift motion

His ears were ringing from the deafening noise, being left in a quiet silence, despite being exposed to Gunshots many times before, and Callie shot him an awed look from over his shoulder.

Staring at his work with shocked eyes.

Air-one shook violently, their engine spluttering off, and with it, their last few blades.

Air-one went down in flames, crashing into a rough patch of pine, with an audible bang, and landing in a swampy lake.

Alec laid the rifle in his bag, collecting all the fallen casings, before police could use it as evidence. He zipped it up to the very top, and threw it over his left shoulder casually, as if he didn't just snipe, and take down a police Helicopter.

They had to get out of there while they still could, he resumed running, but she didn't follow suit.

''I have an idea.'' She said, looking at him. Eyes twinkling with something he couldn't quite read.

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