Blood for blood - Chapter 39

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JARVIS studied John as he swept, and he noticed

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JARVIS studied John as he swept, and he noticed. Looking for any trace of exhaustion, sadness, or a lack of hygiene. The underside of his face had grown an uneven length stubble, he noted, and his eyes held traces of eye-bags, a huge play in exhaustion.

He clapped his hands together as he always did, kicking his feet up on his desk. ''I've heard a lot of interesting things.''

As he had anticipated, John's hands froze an inch on the broom, but when he realized, he continued in his movements. ''Did you?''


''Yeah, a couple things about the police station.''

John re-swept in a corner he had already swept in previously. ''What about it?''

Jarvis leaned back in his swivel chair. ''Apparently, the FBI took over the entire building'' He started ''And more than a couple of people have left.''

John abandoned the broomstick all together. ''Yeah? Maybe they're leaving because the FBI took over.'' He laughed to himself. ''Except Carter. He probably took that as an excuse to leave.''

His next words had him wiping his smile clean off his face.

''I never mentioned Carter.''

John avoided eye contact with him, which made things very obvious.

''Where is Carter?''

''How would I know?'' John asked.

''Cause I heard you two are close these days.'' He said. ''So, surely you'd know where Carter was, right?''

''Well, I don't.''

Jarvis pulled out his shiny gun, pressing it against the hard surface of the table with a slam!

''Well, that's unfortunate, right on his third day, he goes missing.''

John gulped.

Jarvis dropped his nice guy act. ''Do you think I'm stupid? I've given you more than enough time, and you go and do this?''

''I didn't do anything!'' He lied, very obviously.

''Then where is he?'' Jarvis demanded. ''I had my men search for Carter everywhere, his house, his favorite bar, his favorite smoke corner, and you know what I came up with? I came back empty handed.''

John let out an inward breath in relief. He could take the beatings from his brother, and the verbal bashings, but what he could not take, was seeing Carter hurt or in pain.

''Luckily, for me.'' Jarvis continued, bringing his eyes back to his mischievously grinning face. ''I happen to have a friend who lives across the border, who happened to find Carter, and rearrange his face for me.''

That had John's heart stopping.

He snapped his fingers. ''Quill, bring him in for me.''

A muscly man with dreads in a buzz-cut stepped into the room, carrying a large sack on his shoulder.

''Thank you Quill, now get out.''

The man did as he asked, but John ran to the sack as soon as he dropped it to the floor, pulling it back to see . . .


An unconscious Carter.

An unconscious Carter with dried blood covering his face, and a swollen eye bulging out his socket.

Carter was pale and unhealthy, and looked...

''You would've been better off asking for more days.'' Jarvis said. ''I would've beat him to the pulp, but at least he would've still been alive.''

''What did you do to him?''

''He was mouthy, so I did what I had to do.''

''You killed him.'' John stated monotonously. His eyelids drooped, and his lips curled downwards.

''Is that all, captain obvious?''

''You killed him!'' He screamed, though Jarvis looked unaffected.

''You killed him.'' He repeated, over and over and over again in his head. Falling to his knees, sobbing.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Carter was dead.

He had been trying to get Carter out of the state, so he wouldn't end up getting killed because of him, but him having Carter sent out of state had only made his death worse.

''You look pathetic.'' Jarvis told him with a hard face, picking under his nailbeds with his teeth. ''I did what I had to do, after you went spilling the entire plan to the addict.''

''You're... evil. Inhumane.'' John told him, his voice thick and hoarse as he choked back tears. ''I wish... you weren't my brother.''

''Was that supposed to hurt me? It was only business, John.''

''You're evil... and you're a monster... and I sometimes wish mom never had you.''

''I think sometimes you forget who you're talking to,'' He said, aiming his gun directly at his forehead. ''And you have no value to this mission after you went about blabbing to Carter. If I wanted to kill you, I could, and I would in a heartbeat.''

''Then do it.'' John snapped, devoid of any life. Carter was dead. ''Kill me. Do it.'' I have no reason left to live.

Jarvis pulled the trigger, watching as the life was drained from his body the second the bullet pierced his chest.

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