Blood for blood - Chapter 12

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CALLIE awoke the next morning by her hair being yanked from her scalp

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CALLIE awoke the next morning by her hair being yanked from her scalp. Bad teeth inhaling in her scent with a sigh, she was surprised he could even smell anything without his breath masking her scent.

She cried out in pain, as the pain took over half of her brain.

''Morning, doll.'' He breathed, his breath crawling disgustingly over her skin. He combed his fingers through the tangled clumps in her blonde, almost white, hair. ''Miss me?''

She cringed away from him, though it only fueled him to pull her closer. ''I don't know which is worse, your morning breath, or your teeth.''

His hand swung out so fast, she could barely see when it hit her stomach.

She could feel it though. Doubling over and choking on her own blood. He forced her to stand to her feet, twisting a strand of her pretty blonde hair around his finger.

''Let go of me.'' She hissed, spitting her blood on him.

''Good to see you still have some of your fight left in you,'' He laughed, swiping the blood spot away from his skin. ''Because after today, there's gonna be none left.''

She didn't like the sound of that.

At all

Reinforcements came in the form of burly and otherwise disgusting looking men. They dragged her out of her cell using all kinds of body parts. Her arms, her hair, her legs, her feet.

She whipped around and glared when one went as far as to tap her on the butt.

''Sorry, love.'' He said with a cheeky and despicable smile. Looking not at all apologetic. ''Just checkin' out the goods.''

She almost wanted to cry at this manhandling, she wasn't used to this. To any of this. Her parents had protected her from any likely dangers in the world, and then she had gone out and clubbed at the one place away from her parents, and now look where she ended up.


She wouldn't cry. She was stronger than that. She was way stronger than that. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

They came to a stop in front of a single wooden stool and a blank projector screen, Jarvis and his men nowhere to be found, and Alec gone.

''Where's Jarvis?''

They kicked her to the stool. ''Sit down,''

Her heart pounded, seeing them all disappear behind her.

Then suddenly the projector screen lit up, taking up all her attention. Jarvis' crooked grin and silver-tooth appeared on the screen. ''Evening, 'darlin. You look like you've had quite the sleep,''

Her eyes narrowed on him.

He looked as if he knew something she didn't.

What? Had he actually come and taken advantage of her in her sleep?

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