Blood for blood - Chapter 33

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ALL three of them were seated around a small four-seater dining table, in Lana's apartment

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ALL three of them were seated around a small four-seater dining table, in Lana's apartment. Gun, and magazines lay scattered across the surface of the table, the News channel playing quietly in the background on the Television.

Leo picked up after the first ring, voice surprisingly articulate, considering they'd called him on the burner-phone, well past Three-o-clock. Almost as if he'd been expecting their call.

''Leo,'' Alec started, laying the phone on the table in front of him. '' I -- ''

''I assume you've heard President Egerton's announcement?'' Leo asked.

Callie leaned closer to the phone, desperate to hear Leo's voice, after not hearing it in a while, Alec jerked it away from her, his fists clenched, but it was fairly obvious that his anger wasn't directed towards her.

''Why didn't you tell us the FBI was taking over?'' He demanded.

''Because I only found out today.'' He answered honestly, with that familiar hispanic drawl of his. ''I only heard the announcement today.''

''Leo, you once told me, that if anyone could locate us, it'd be the FBI, because the police are incompetent. And now your - ''

''I also told you, I'm great at what I do, Alec. Whether it be tracking computers, locations, hacking passwords, I do that. And I'm also the only one of my position, Alec. I can stall time. I can -- ''

''No, Leo. You think they won't know you're helping us, if you stall time?'' Alec asked. ''If you're so good at what you do, and you suddenly stall out, they're going to know something's up. They're the FBI, Leo. They're not stupid.''

There was a long sigh on the other end, and Callie could imagine him massaging his temples in stress, and biting his lip until it unknowingly became swollen.

''Look, I did everything I could to help you guys. I've betrayed my job, watched some people I love die and . . . '' He got quiet for a while, before clearing his throat. ''And I promised your parents I'd watch over you. So, I'll figure something out, okay?''

''Just use the other phone, if you need something.'' He finished.

''Yeah, about that.'' It was Callie who spoke this time. ''And by the way, hi Leo.''

''Hey.'' She could hear the smile in his voice.

''The second burner phone got destroyed, when we took a swim in the lake.'' Alec cut off, ignoring the look Callie shot him.

''Yeah,'' He sighed. ''I heard about that on the news.'' More silence.

He was definitely massaging his temples, Callie thought.

''But, are you guys safe somewhere?'' He asked. ''Do you guys need me to pick you up or anything, or -- ''

''We're fine, Leo.'' Callie assured him. ''We're at...'' Her eyes found Lana's, pretty browns. '' -- a friends house.''

Leo gave her the opposite of the reaction she'd been expecting. ''A friend's house, Callie? Do you know how much danger you could be in? How do you know this person won't sell you guys away to the authorities?''

''Because this person knows they're innocent.'' Lana answered for herself, taking pride in his silence. Her eyes lit up suddenly, and her eyebrows folded as if she had just thought of something incredibly genius that could put Einstein to shame.

''You know, if it's her ring and fortune everyone's after. You could always just go revisit her parents house, find the safe, take the money, hide it,'' She listed off on four fingers. ''and then destroy the ring.''

Everyone fell silent.

Callie was wondering how she had never thought of that, in the entire month and a half, that she and Alec had been on the run.

''Lana.'' She started, a slow smile making its presence known on her lips.''You're an absolute genius, you know that?''

Alec - on the other hand - shook his head, like he was opposed to the idea. ''If she's just now thinking of this, don't you think others have already thought of it first? Like Jarvis, for an example?''

''Alec's right.'' Leo said without an ounce of hesitation. ''Going back to that house is more dangerous than wandering the streets alone at these times, and I'm not saying that because I'm the agent, I'm saying that because it's suicide.''

''So, what are we gonna do? Just continue to go on the run as innocents, with cops who want to kill us, chasing after us, and Jarvis and his men trying to steal my ring?'' She asked sarcastically. ''And,'' She thought of it for a moment. ''Why am I the one with the ring, Alec? We're related right? Twins.'' She put air quotes with her fingers. ''You're older right? You must be older, so why would our parents give me - the younger - the possession of the ring?''

For once in her, she had been close to seeing Alec's stony facade crack, it took him a minute to unclench his fists, and straighten out his tense expression, but he did eventually.

And he chose to answer neither of her questions.

She jumped to her feet, not caring that her chair tipped back and hit the tile. ''I don't care what you say, Alec. I'm going back to my parents house, with or without you.'' She promised. ''It's your choice if you wanna accompany me or not.'' And with that she marched off to the bedroom, Lana had told her was hers, and Alec's to share.

She switched the lock though. Not wanting to see Alec, or anyone else for the next few hours until she calmed down.

Which wouldn't be for a while.

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