Blood for blood - Chapter 22

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I'm on my way

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I'm on my way

JOHN pushed the cell phone away, biting his nails to try and prevent the anxious feeling in his stomach from spreading.

Jarvis would surely have his head on a pitchfork. This had been the third time John had practically had them in his clutches, but let them slip from his grasp.

And he knew Jarvis was angry.

Jarvis was always angry.

God, he needed a smoke badly. And just as he moved to get up, Carter stumbled into his office.

John sighed. ''Close the door behind you.''

Carter did as he asked, taking out a lighter and bringing it to the cigarette in between his lips.

''No smoking in here, Carter.'' He said with a stern undertone.


The other ignored his orders, taking a seat across from him, and purposely blowing smoke in his face.

God, he couldn't do him right now. He couldn't do this right now. He couldn't do Jarvis right now. At least without some alcohol in his system, which he typically strayed away from, knowing he got sad and in his feelings when he drank.

But, God. He really needed it.

He really did.

Carter put his hand on his thigh, to stop it from wagging.

John swallowed down the feelings arising in his stomach. He didn't even know he'd been wagging it.

Carter gazed at him. ''What are you thinking about?''

''I . . . I'm just tired of this detective business.'' He told him honestly, looking him in the eyes. ''I don't know how long I'm gonna stick around, Carter.''

Carter stayed silent.

''I mean, Chief's working me to my extent - '' Jarvis is angrier than ever, and settles for using me as his own personal punching bag. ''I'm... I'm just done,'' With the criminal business.

Still silent on Carter's end.

''Aren't you going to try and convince me to stay?'' He asked, voice broken. He was tired of working for the wrong people, and he was tired of working for... for Jarvis. But deep down he knew, he wouldn't leave even if he wanted to. Yeah, his brother had issues. Abusive, and psychopathic issues, but they were still brothers at the end of the day.

And as Jarvis had saved him on multiple occasions, he had his back.

A light squeeze on the thigh, he jumped. He didn't even know Carter was still holding onto his leg.

Carter smiled weakly at him. ''Not gonna try and convince you. 'Cause even though, your team needs you...'' He paused for a moment. ''And I need you.'' He swallowed. ''It's not my decision to make. All I can do is stand by and support you.''

John gazed at him, in a way he was certain he had never looked at him before.

Studying the soft lamp-light glow on Carter's face, to his messy blondish-brown hair, that always seemed to escape its formation, and he leaned forward.

The door shot open, much to both of their disbelief's.

John fell back on his chair, whilst Carter pumped his fist on the wooden desk in aggravation, mumbling cuss words under his breath.

''... come back another time?'' Junior asked meekly, from the door.

John pushed a hand on Carter's shoulder, telling him to chill out, without vocallizing the words. He looked at the shy ginger. ''What's up, Junior?''

''We... uh...''

''Well spit it out, then.'' Carter snapped, which had John grinning like an idiot.

''Well... me and some of the other guys, Nicki, Rico, and Chaz, volunteered to stay back a little longer, and well... we were doing extra research on Callista Mendoza, and Alec Baldwin, and um, we found something on him.''

''What did you find?'' John asked.

Junior slid the vanilla colored folder across the desk. ''Well, for starters, The Baldwin's aren't his real parents.''

Carter lit another cig. ''We've already established that, red.'' He sighed, then snapped his fingers. ''Matter of fact, you were the one who told us.''

''Yeah, about that. We discovered the names of his real parents. Cameron, and Azalea.''

Carter raised their eyebrows at that, but John crossed his arms. ''Did you run a DNA sample to make sure, they're actually - ''

''Yes sir, their DNA matches.''

John bit his lip, things almost always only got more complicated. He needed to text Jarvis and tell him about his discovery, but he couldn't with Carter still being in the room, and Junior still looking up at him doe-eyed.

He cleared his throat. ''Did you find anything else Junior?''

''Not yet, sir. We're still working to uncover his entire background, but we'll have it soon.''

''Alright. Great work Junior, and tell the others I said the same to them.''

The ginger noticeably lit up. ''Thank you, sir!''

Carter could only watch him as he slipped out the room, releasing smoke from out of his lips, and shaking his head. ''Poor kid's got a huge crush on you.''

John quoted back the words Carter had used on him. ''Jealous?''

Carter grunted. ''I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.''

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