Blood for blood - Chapter 29

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HEAVY footsteps, metal collars, and bright-beam flashlights were prominent within the woods

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HEAVY footsteps, metal collars, and bright-beam flashlights were prominent within the woods. Black hugged the starry night sky, leaving their flashlights as the only sense of light they had as they trekked through the high grass and low-hanging trees.

''They could be anywhere.'' Carter reckoned, pointing his flashlight in a random direction, and moving the beam over the dark trees. ''Spread out and cut through the middle.''

The officers did as he asked, each splitting into different sections of the forest, using their dogs as a guide through the darkness.

Callie held her breath, as two officers, and a leashed dog passed her. Their flashlights burned her eyes, and she was almost sure the canine had spotted her, being that their eyes were glued to her spot, but it led the officers in a different direction, allowing her to take in a breath in relief.

She tapped Alec, not sure if he was still alive, after a long period of silence.

He lay on his back in the bundle of curdled autumn leaves and sticks they had piled up, disguised by the dark pungent mud they had rubbed on their faces, hands, and clothes. She had been opposed to the idea of putting mud on her face, but did anyway.

''Alec.'' She whispered, nudging him with her wrist.

She was quick to freeze the second more footsteps trailed the steep leaf hill. Quick to shut her eyes, when the lights blinded her, searching over the dark for any signs of the five-foot-three, female, and the six-foot-one, blonde male.

Not only did they have to just hide from the men, but they had to hide from the dogs too. The dogs who could sniff out any criminal within a twenty kilometer radius. The crunchy sticks dug into their ankles, and other exposed areas. She was even sure she had felt a couple of insects crawl up her sneakers.

He responded by squeezing her hand ever so slightly, as the officers went past them.

A certain officer armed with a baton, reached for his radio. Finding working in the dark, more terrifying than finding the criminals themselves.

''Carter, they're not out here. We should just call it a night.''

''Don't stop searching.'' Carter replied with a grouchy voice. ''They're still out here, I know it.''

''We should get out of here.'' Callie suggested, her voice in a whisper. She glanced around, finding more of the Canines sniffing about in their direction. ''It won't be long before they find us.''

He glanced at the leaves covering his legs and chest. Brushing a couple out of his hair. He handed her the bag, which had been lying in between the both of them in the mud. ''Run.'' He said. ''The second I get up, dogs are gonna swarm us.''

Her lips fell into a flat line. ''Alec, I swear to God, you better run with me. Don't go playing hero, I need you, and I cannot do this without you.''

''I won't.'' He promised, stretching his leg out a bit. ''Ready?''

She nodded meekly.

He sat up, and as he predicted, the leaves piled onto his side. Making a low crashing noise.

Canines barked in the distance, yanking their owners in the correct direction.

Alec took the bag back from her, grabbing her hand and guiding her through the cluster of pine, leaf piles, and branches.

She gripped his hand back equally as fierce, feeling the rigid muscles in her thighs burn as she pushed them to move faster, and keep up with his pace.

Carter glanced about, seeing the wildly flashing lights, and hearing the commotion in the distance, he clicked on his radio. Cursing himself for deciding to choose a career in law enforcement. ''What's all the ruckus?''

''Our Canines picked up a scent!''

He drew his gun, and tucked his flashlight into his belt, as he ran to catch up with the others.

''Alec, I think there's a lake down there.'' She pointed out, after catching sight of the glistening body of water.

Alec glanced at her from the corner of his eye. ''Do you know how to swim?''

She shook her head, and could tell her answer disappointed him.

''Well have to go around it.'' He said.

They made a movement to make a left, but found themselves surrounded by officers, the K9 unit, and a particularly vicious looking pack of canines.

''On the ground now, show me some hands!''

Alec made little effort to do as he said, clenching his hands tighter around the duffel, and Callie's wrist, and making a sideways glance towards the lake.

Callie read his body language, and furiously shook her head.

She couldn't swim.

''I said show me some hands, now!'' Now they all had their guns drawn, afraid that he'd pull a gun on them, with his hands so close to the zipper of the bag.

''Show me some hands now, or you will be shot!'' One officer warned.

Callie dug her nail into Alec's wrist, shaking her head in no.

He let out a dragging breath, glancing at her sideways. ''I'll protect you,''

Her eyes widened pon processing his words. ''Alec -- ''

He tossed the bag into the lake, grabbing Callie's arm and pushing her, along with himself into the steep body of water.

It rained bullets behind them as they sank under water.

Callie thrashed in a weak attempt at trying to push herself out of the water with her arms and hands.

Water was in on all sides, from her nose, to her mouth, to in her eyes, filling her lungs with a painful burning sensation, like they were on the verge of collapse.

She gasped and choked, the surface was growing further and further away, but Alec didn't leave her hanging for too long.

He approached her from behind, and slipped his hand between her arm and body, firmly grasping her jaw, and bringing her head back towards him.

He kept his hands in front of her as he tread the water, and very slowly brought them both to safety on the other side.

She could hear the desperate splashes, and gunshots, as officers attempted to hit them before they could reach the other side, but they missed for the most part.

She found she didn't need to hold on to him any longer as they reached a point of the lake that was knee level, and they both collapsed on the land the second they made it.

Callie was quick to wrap her arms around his torso slightly, hoping it would be enough for him to sense her gratitude for him not leaving her to drown, but he only groaned in response. Causing her to glance at him in concern.

There was a growing red spot on his shirt that had him contracting in pain.

''Did you -- Alec, did you get shot?'' She asked, raising his shirt ever so slightly.

He pulled it back down over his chest. ''It's an old injury.'' He said dismissively. He pulled her to her feet. ''We need to keep moving, come on.''

''Oh, look!'' She pointed to a dark object moving through the water. Her eyes lit up.

The bag had somehow made the journey with them.

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