Blood for blood - Chapter 16

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''HELLO, officers

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''HELLO, officers. Can I help you?''

John looked to the young woman, sitting behind the desk, almost innocently. ''Yeah, we've received a tip that the two suspects involved in the kidnapping, and Murder of Savannah Ford, are in here.''

The woman faked speechless, sliding her thin-framed glasses off her face with parted lips. ''Oh... I . . . '' She spluttered.

Some of the men behind John laughed, but he silenced them with one glance. ''Miss, relax. Just tell us where they are.''

''They?'' She played dumb, which was obviously amusing them. ''You mean the young couple who walked in here last night, and rented a room out?''

That had Carter's attention. ''Couple?''

''Yeah, they seemed like they were in love. He even went out and bought her some clothes,'' She gushed, clapping her hands together.

He stayed unmoving. ''Are the 'couple' still here?''

''No.'' She told them truthfully, ignoring their disappointed breaths. ''They left around this morning. They appeared to be in a rush.''

Carter massaged his temples, from his side. ''Do you have any idea, where they might be headed?''

She thought about it, tapping her chin with her index finger. ''Er... I dunno, California I think they said.'' She shook her head. ''No, it might've been Colorado... or Connecticut?''

John stared at her, lips curved in a displeased frown. It was obvious to him, and them, that this lady, was either really, really stupid, or just toying with them for the hell of it. He looked her directly in the eyes. ''Look, lady. There's a one-hundred-fifty-thousand dollar reward on the line, I hope for your sake, and for ours, you're telling us the truth.''

''I am,'' She nodded.

He ignored her. ''Because if I find out anything different, like you're helping them get away, you'll answer to me.''

They left things at that, Carter quickly catching up to his side and whistling. ''That was hot.''

''Not now , Carter,'' John quipped back, annoyed. Yes, he was angry. They had a lead, and couldn't follow through with it. Callie and Alec were still one step ahead of them.

Jarvis would surely have his head for this.

Carter lit a cigarette, tucking a slip of paper in his front pocket. ''What's got your panties in a twist, huh? Lady wasn't giving you the time of day?''

''Carter,'' John hissed, whipping around to face him. ''I said, not now. I need to get back to the station and inform chief of what's happening.''

The other looked at him through disinterested eyes, inhaling more of the grey stench. ''You know, a good lead, would probably be pursuing the woman who had actually made the phone call, but you do you.''

John buried his face in his hands, drawing a deep breath. Maybe, Carter wasn't the stupid one. Maybe he was.

Carter rolled his eyes, seeing the look in the detective's eyes. He clearly hadn't thought about that. ''See, this is why they should've made me the lead investigator.''

John ignored him, gesturing for the boys to follow him. ''We have another lead to follow.''

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