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Your Pov

"Et voila. Dinner is served Mom , Dad , thank you from watching me from heaven". I said "meow " my pet cat Robin purred .
"I know , you're probably hungry . Okay ,
let's eat........... Uh , Robin"? Normally he goes straight to the dinner table with me after we say our prayers but today he runs for the window .
"What's wrong ? Is something out there? How cool . A blood red moon. How's that old adage go? Blood on the moon means trouble not far behind " I said as I stared at the moon. "Meow" "oh!" Woops that was weird. I swear I was about to fall asleep standing up. "Myah!" " Sorry for spacing out . I must be tired . I'm going to take a nap before dinner you can eat without me , Robin ". What is going on here? I'm so sleepy all of a sudden . It's that crimson moon again. It's seared on the back of my eyelids. I bet I'll see it in my dreams.

Still your Pov

"Hello?You okay? " Sombody said "mngh"
"Ah , there you are. Time to get up , I think " Purple haired man said. What the ? Who is this ? Where in the world am I ?  I prop myself up on my elbows and take a look around me . An imposing building towers before me ."Um , am I dreaming? " I ask the man before me . " If only . If this was a dream a dream there would be no rules and you and I could do whatever we liked . You have such lovely dark eyes , treasure. Care to take a turn with me?" Purple haired man said and gave me his hand . I get up , still shaking my daze and reflexively clasp his proffered hand . "Egad" A purple generate from his body .
"This should not be possible.......I 'am carrying a stone that should prevent this ." He said . "How can this be ?" A voice said from behind purple haired man. Four men's were coming out from the building."Fenn's radiating power" A light green haired man said . " So the light just now was your doing , was it ? Explain yourself" a blue haired man said while glaring at me . "Making eyes at women again, are we? Hm? Who and what are you? " A black haired man said . Why there guys are glaring at me . As I remain flat on my butt on the ground, the sharp-eyed young man crouches before me . "Your eyes are black as jet . It cannot be......" " Would I be correct in saying this girl has enhanced Fenn's power ? " Blue haired man said . "Sorry ? What power " I said confused. " Calm down , guy you too toa . Let's get you on your feets , hmmm? " Light green haired man said and helped me to get up . " Thank you" and green flame generated from him too. " Well now " green haired man said " my word " " such radiance...... I daresay this is a magical flame" everyone looked shocked while I was coufued . I yank my hand back and stagger to my feet . " Haha, it rather leaves you at a loss of words , doesn't it ? " Purple haired man questioned me. "She's something else , isn't she ." Guy who helped said it . "Guy , do you think she could be......" Pink haired man asked black haired man . " Yes, there can be no doubt . You there ." " Y-yes " I said . He swaggers forward his gaze raking over me . His eyes are as red as the moon I saw before I fell asleep.
"Your name " he asked .I refuse to answer . that is , what is this strange force in my head!? " I will ask you one more time . Tell me , your name " he asked me again . "Y/n L/n " why'd I say that? My mouth moved on its own ?!
" Now then , where do you came from " why is this happening? I don't want to talk to him . " (Your country) " I said . " What kind of name for a place is that? I've never heard of it before " black haired man said . " Hard as it may be to believe. I suggest she may be a trespasser
upon our world " blue haired man said . "Meow" . Is that Robin .everyone jumped from the sound . "Ohh , a kitty " light green haired man said . I pick up Robin and start to run towards the entryway . " No! Wait , please! " Pink haired man screamed after me . "Gotta............ Get away " I don't know where this leads , but all I care about is geeting away from those weirdos ! C'mon brain ! Wake up from this bizarre dream! ." Halt " someone said . "What the--?! "

To be continued

If you're reading this , thank you for reading I appreciate it ✨❣️.
Love you guys  , stay safe .
Until next time . Byeeee ✌🏻

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