Another stolen kiss pt.2

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Your pov

Toa and Fenn have enraged the dragon who challenges them with a roar .

"There, there . Our magic calla to you ; all you need do is , heed it ". All it takes is a sikily- spoken words or two from Fenn . The dragon's cry cuts off and its movement reduce to almost nothing.

Fenn's good at glamourous, that much is certain. I'm sure that dragon finds him just as beguiling as I did earlier.

"The ancient magic is working." Lynt said .

"I cede the stage too you , dear Toa "
"As well you should "

Toa lifts one hand over his head . That alone is enough to make another phalanx  of moonblades appear.
There must be a thousand or more.

Unlike those from before, these ones seem encrusted in ice .

" These will drive deep , beast . " With that chilly pronouncement, he waves his fingertips. In the blink of an eye , the dragon's entire body is shot through with icicles .

"Gracious, that look painful. Are you beyond the point of mercy, Toa ? " Fenn asked .

"They melt the second they penetrate the flesh . I have hardly killed the thing , If anything, I've only made it faint with agony ."

"Again, I say , you are without mercy "

Toa's right: the dragon's eyelids fall closed, its gigantic body lurching forward.

Toa and Fenn alight and , hauling the roots of gigantic plant out of the earth , they wave them into chains that encase the dragon fully .

"Bound " -Fenn
"Indeed" - Toa
"The ordeal is over . Come " lynt said to me .
"Okay , I really hope that dragon doesn't eat us " I follow Lynt , never having imagined I'd see a dragon let alone approach one .

"Good show " Lynt said .
"Heh . Quite a darling little thing when it's asleep, is it not ? " Fenn said while staring at the dragon.
"Why would such a creature lose its way and come here ? " Toa said .

"........Y/n may have been its aim " Lynt murmured that but I heard it .
"Me ? Why ? "
"........... "
"It might have been me as well ! I have a great number of ardent admirers, you see " Fenn said that confidently .
"You are flirting with a magical beast . Have some shame." Toa said .

"Is everyone alright? "
Ah , the cavalry has arrived.

Roy and Guy come running from the direction of the ballroom. Both slow to a halt , their expression hardening as they take in the passed out dragon .

"The commotion seems to have abated already " Guy said .
".........." .

"Guy , do you know where our sleeping dragon might have originated?" Fenn asked .

Guy eyes flash with cold a split second before he answers .

"I imagine it was formed from a greater frost lizard dwlling in the forest to the east ."
Since when do Lizards come in the dimensions of a house ?

"Whoever summoned it must be investigated" -guy

"That's our Guy ; a veritable fountain of knowledge " - Fenn

"............" - guy

"I trust you are not injured, Y/n ? " Roy asked .
"Yes , I'm fine . Thank you for asking" .
"I kept her safe" Lynt said .
"I see , well done . I shall report the incident as resolved, then . The ballroom has become something of a scene of carnage , you see " Roy said .

Roy marches up into the air on a invisible staircase. Naturally, I watch him go .

Here are dragon,
And people that fly ,
And magical attacks , I suppose?
Impossible though it seems , this is the reality I face .

"Sooo.........." I started saying .
The remaining four turn their attention to me as I prepare to launch a protest .

"What may I do for you , Milady savior? " Fenn said .
"The power you possess was exactly the edge we needed to quell the beast ". Lynt said .

"That's right ! I wanted to talk to you about that . What sort of power is this, exactly? And above all , why does it require me to kiss people? There were extenuating circumstances this time , but I expect you all to ask permission first in future "   The same thing happened tonight as the first night I arrived in this world .

" have the power to amplify the magical abilities of other . " Guy said   .

"I figured that much , but is this a power others have ? How rare is it ? "

"It's a form of ancient magic. No one in this world but you wield it . "

"Let's go back to this part about me having a kind of ancient magic nobody else can use . What's all that about? "


"No ,no , don't give me that. I wnat details"

To be honest, I don't even know the full scope to magic yet . I certainly don't want anyone else kissing me without my express and enthusiastic consent. Still , I understand that this was a dire situation .


"Argh ! "

A very shapely bare foot comes flying out of nowhere , delivering a merciless kick right to Fenn's solar plexus .
What the--------------?!

" You used ancient magic on school grounds, didn't you ! "
Oh wow ! The beautiful lady from earlier.

" Hahaha , that rather smart Letty " Fenn said in pain .
"I should hope so . I meant it to "
Fenn makes use of a fancy cane to hobble to his feet . Up untieal now , I 've never seen him drop that easy confidence , even while fighting a dragon . And yet in front of this beautiful woman, he shows a weary grin of resignation .

"That looked painful......" - Lynt
"Fenn's valet has not lost her touch " - toa
His valet?

" And what , pray tell , is this licentious aura you're giving off? " She asked.
"A sweet kiss inspired me to it "
"A kiss ? What kiss? "

The pretty lady meets my eyes for the first time .

"Good gracious, it's you from earlier"
Whoa , there comes that personal space thing again.

As the distance between us shrinks , my admiration for her beauty grows .

"I am violet, guardian to Fenn . "
"Nice to meet you . I'm Y/n L/n ."
"It appears Fenn has shown you an appalling lack of manners . I apologise. Remind me to give you a balm to magically purify your lips later "
"Right , okay........"

That actually sounds kind of cool . I wonder if there are other kinds of magical lip balms out there .

" You cut me to the quick! You make it out to be that I have polluted her in some way " Fenn said .
"Did she give you permission?"
"She kissed me , actually! But only after Toa kissed her "
"Toa started it " Lynt said.

While this awkward conversation is going on , the flames surrounding Toa and Fenn vanish .

"Well , that was unexpected......what in devildom is going on here ?" Violet asked.
"Now , now , explanation can be done at our leisure later. For the moment------"

Everything is spinning. I stumble , struck by instense vertigo .
What the ........? What just happened? I feel strange.

"Goodness, what's wrong? "
"I am sorry , I seem to--------"

My field of vision narrows sharply
"Steady on! "

By the time I realise how bad things are , my vision's gone completely blank . I can't downward momentum of my body .

To be continued

Date - 09/04/2022
Words - 1160


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