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Your pov

It's Rio !!!

I've also identified the source of that odd noise . Rio's slashing at the air wildly , sword in hand .

He's really going hard .

This Rio is far away from the one I know , with his bright smile and love of food. Rio's am attractive man . There's something truly beautiful about the way he moves. I'm captivated.

"Phew, that was tough . Sword fighting is messy work."

Even soaked in sweat , he still manages to look dignified.

"Hn ??? Is that you over there Y/n?? "

"Whoops" I panic as he walks over to me .

"Am I to understand you waited until I was done to say hello ?" He asked .

"Umm....... Yep!!! That's exactly what I was doing !!! You were training so hard , i couldn't bear the interrupt. " I said panicly.

"So you've discovered my secret , hm? Hahahahah."

Resting his saber lightly on his shoulder, his expression turns more solemn.

"Were you all right earlier??" He asked .

"What do you mean ?"

"I saw the S rank drag you away with them."

I didn't realise he'd seen 

I was convinced he'd gone to the refectory.

"I'm fine . It was nothing, really." I resurred him.

"That's reassuring to hear . I know you were an acquaintance of Guy's but you seem close is the word for it ."

"Those five were the first ones I met when I came to this academy."

"Ahhhh, so that's what it is ."



"Would you like to practice fencing with me then ,y/n?"

"You want me to swing a sword at you?"

"Yes , try it . I'll show you how ."


He places the sword in my hand and covers it with his own to adjust my grip.i can feel his shoulders and chest behind me . His smile is inches from my own .

"Try picturing what has you fattering and fretful right in front of you, all right? Now , pour your frustrations into the sword and give it a swing." Rio explained.

"So long as i don't take your head off. I have a lot on my mind , you know ." I said .

"Heh. Well , I'll do it with you ."

"Oh, rioo........." 

It occurs to me this is his method of cheering me up .

"Come now . Hold it up high ." He commanded.

"On it!!!!"

Robin watches on nearby. I offer him a vague nod.

"Ready , Y/n ? Engage!!!!"

"Here goes nothing!!" Picturing the strain and pressure i'm under personification, I swing my weapon . A pleasant breeze whistles past my ears as I crave through the air . I feel a teeny bit better . Rio laughs heartily at my side.

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