prologue pt.2

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Your Pov

"What the---?!" They're flying?! Has my dream turned into a fantasy novel ? ( Uff , I am breaking the fourth wall 🌝)
"Where do you suppose you're going ? Try not to make trouble, will you ? " Black haired man said .There they are again , those blood red eyes . "Don't come a step closer . I'm waring you " I warned them . "Quite a contary little thing , aren't you ?" He said . " Stop , you mustn't glare at people. How many times must I remind you to be a gentleman? " Purpel haired man lightly scolded him. "And you sum to have gotten too big your britches since you had that magical boost . Does he look even more unhinged that usual , or am I imagining things ?" Blue haired man asked . " I am rather giddy; I feel as if I could do anything right now . And that was but a touch of the Hand . Imagine what a kissing could do " purple haired man said . Who's talking about kissing whom now? "Hey, hands to yourself " black haired man said to him. " Don't scowl so . It isn't very manly " purpel haired man teased him . "Y/n , was it ?" "Oh! Er , yes? " I said . " Pardon me for startling you . You needn't be so frightened of us , you know , we intend you no harm" pink haired man said . " We aren't the scary sort . You can trust us ". Light green haired man said . They both  seem like nice man but still I can't trust them .my heart is beating so fast . " Raise your head . Let us test this theory out " blue haired man said as he came closer to me . " What theory ?" The guy name Toa cup my jaw with his cool hands . "Wait for yourself. The first taste is mine " black haired said angryly . "Wait..." His hands came around my waist . And a high red flames geanred from his body . " A simple touch can accomplish all this ? " He said amused." How dare you ! I should go first ." Guy named toa said . "Do not move all of you guys " black haired man said . " Hann" "we appear to be frozen " green haired man said. "All four of us at same time . How is that possible?" Purpel haired man said shocked. "Her touch has amplified guy's power "pink haired man said . "Your lips are mine and mine alone " guy said . "Mmrph" This is the weirdest dream I've ever had and his lips and more red flames geanred from his body . "That is quite enough" somebody said . "Headmaster " everybody said except guy . "Get away from her at once . That means every single one of you . Master avari end you spell" That man said but guy didn't end the spell. " Oh , perhaps you did not hear me"he said it again. Guy ended his spell . "Huh , we can move again" " yeah " "poor dear , you need not look so petrified you know " headmaster said to me . "What is this ? Why am I wearing some sort of choker?" I asked him . " That little bauble will be yours salvation." I didn't quite understand. "No doubt you are overwhelmed having suddenly found yourself here of all places. This world  is entirely unlike the place from where you came . If is the magical realme." Headmaster said . "I beg your pardon " I am so confued . " The human world in which you live is divergent from our own " okay , this is too much. Mom , Dad! Please rescue me from this phantasmagoric nightmare!
"This is no nightware " Did he just read my mind?! "Your very existence here will shake this world to its foundation" The man raises his hand again , an though I flench at first . Why my eyelids growing heavy ? . " You are but a defenseless chick here in magical realme . Those who seek power will tremble with for you , beyound all sense or reason" he said and eyed guy . " I wasn't trembling. I merely saw no reason to control myself" he said. " Says the man keeping all her kisses for himself " purpel haired man teased him . "But did you see guy's flames earlier? It was like some sort of mini storm"light green haired man commented . "Agree . Never have I seen you radiate with such tremendous power before." Pink haired man agreed with him . "If she is a chick , then she's liable to imprint upon someone she's peril" guy named toa said. "Listen to me , you are a rare and wonderful creature , but helpless as you currently are , you represent nothing but an evil omen to our realme . I should like to shelter you at our academy for the time being " and I fall in a deep sleep .

Date - 13/ 07 / 2021
Words - 785
I hope you guys enjoy this story . Plz vote this story ❣️. Stay safe everyone .

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