Debutante pt.3

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Your pov

" Ooof "
"Whoa "
The person I've bumped into grabs my shoulder to steady me . I reflexively grab back . Nice of them to help me out , since I'm tripping about in a dress I'm not used to AND not looking where I'm going .

"Sorry about that" I apologized to the person .

"Toa!! " The person who I bumped into was Toa .
"Are u on your own ? Where is lynt ? " He asked looking around .
"I lost sight of him as soon as I got into the ballroom" I said .
"................ "

He's very expressive, I'll give him that .
His face says " you're an idiot" , or maybe "what've u done now? "
I seem to have guessed his feelings correctly, as Toa turns on his heel and marches off . Away he goes . Shame , since he was the only one I know around here .

" Must u dawdle? Hurry up and come along"
"Come along? Where are we going ?" I asked .
"How many persons do u suppose are attending this Ball? Questing about erratically will achieve nothing. "
"Does this mean you're offering to find Lynt with me , Toa ? "

Toa strides back , undoing the progress he's already made and looking displease all the while .
"What are u doing.........?"
He then wordlessly takes my hand and resumes walking.

"Okay, I guess we're doing this now. "
"Do u think yourself such a perfect lady as to manage walking about in an outfit you're unused to ? " He said .so he'se offering to hold me up because he thinks I'm going to faceplant in this dress ?

To be fair , he's not wrong. What's more , he's slowed to a snail's pace all for my benefit.
"Why do u look so pleased with yourself?"
"No reason! And thank you for helping me "
Toa quite a gentleman, actually. I thought this yesterday as well .

3rd person pov

In the deepest darkness reaches of a forest, far removed from the frivolity of a ball......
A shadow dwells among tress no longer inhabited by a living creature , emitting immense magical power .
"Come" A hush falls over the land , but that voice - one thoroughly absent of emotion has received its reply .

A mass swells and rises , blotting out his moon ; defiling the very light itself. With an unholy shriek , it takes to the skies .

Back at your pov

Toa leads onward , his hand still firmly wrapped around mine .

"Where are we going , exactly? "
No answer
Still , I choose to believe he has a better idea of where Lynt might be than I do .

I refrain from prying as we continue our search. All of sudden, Toa halts .

"Oh , Master Qelsum . I didn't know you were here . "
A man - presumably the reason he's stopped- approaches us . He seems to be munching on something I'd wager is................... A SANDWICH? . The plate in his hand is piled high with luxurious foods too . Clearly, his guy knows what's up .

"You are always consuming things on the go , valet of voleri " toa said to the man .
"I am a name , u know , it's Thoma , with a long 'ohhhhhhhh' , I 've introduced myself on countless occasions . Master Qelsum " .
Valet of Voleri ? Meaning, he's Rio's valet ?

 Valet of Voleri ? Meaning, he's Rio's valet ?

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(Thoma 👆🏻)

" Dare I suppose you've seen Lynt anywhere? "

"Lynt ?? Hmmmmm" He polishes off his sandwich- I'm now convenienced it contains schnitzel and shakes his head .

"While I managed to sample every single dish in the ball room , I saw no sign of Lynt " every single dish ?! The man's got priorities, at least.

From what I know of Rio and now Thoma , the people of Voleri love to eat .

"Pity" Toa said .
"Shame I couldn't be of more help . Would you care for some of this ? It hardly constitutes an apology, but , it's a selection of very finest foods they had , I know . What about u , Milady ? Would u care for some ? " Thoma asked .

"Me ? Actually , I ----------"
"-------- Will not be having any . Farewell"

I started to say but certain blue haired gentle man cut me off .
Toa uses our linked hands to pull me to his side and wall off .

"You know not what you're missing! *Nom* * nom* " Thoma said while chewing on his food .

"I can answer questions on my own , thank you very much."
"Can I surmise, from the conversation just now , who that was ?"
"Rio's valet , I assume. "
"In other words, no one who can assist us in your quest "
"Fair  enough. Let's keep looking"
That does tell me one thing, though: Rio must be at the ball as well .
Funny that I didn't see him anywhere earlier.

While I'm wondering everyone around us all suddenly turned invisible, I realise there are fewer people around us than before.

"Where are we going now ? Wouldn't a more populated place serve our purposes ? " I asked .
".........." Ignoring people is like his default state , I swear .
Soon , we exit onto a replendent balcony bathed in moonlight . The balcony is deserted save for the two of us and a nearby bench .

"Sit over there "
"Why ? Lynt certainly not out here ."
"Finding him is a task easier accomplished on my own ."
"So you're saying I'm holding u back ?"
"Barvo. We seem to have reached understanding. Do not move from this spot . U will be far less easily founded by people with suspect motives here " Toa said . In other words , he brought me here to keep me safe .

Not only that but he's offered to look for one of the other prince on my behalf. I break into a smile , charmed by his disparate his attitude and actions are .

"Thank you, Toa . This is really kind of you "
He wordlessly strides off , but I have one more thing to say .
"Oh , I forgot to thank you for the dress ! It was lovely! "
He pauses , turns , and pins me with an icy look . Just the reaction I was expecting, in other words . I deserve it , to be honest, for bringing the dress up when  I've elected not to wear it , but I'd rather not leave that hanging between us .

"I'm sorry I couldn't wear it tonight. Another time , perhaps ". I said .
"The white of your dress brings out the repulsive colour of your eyes " .
"Wow, ouch " .
He ignores the way I flinch and walks away with even greater purpose .
So , these wine red eyes of mine are considered strange and creepy, are they ?

Even though there's no one around to see them , I sit down on the bench and hang my head to hide their colour . Sighing, I turn to the night sky for answers . The moon is the same blood red it was two nights ago when I saw it from my own window .

"Argh , why is this even happing to me ?"
  I wonder what became of the dinner I left in the front of my parents shrine . It's probably rotten by now .

"I just want to go home " I can't bear to look at the moon anymore, so I turn away.

"Whatever is the point in looking miserable when there's no one around to witness it , my dear ?"

"Who's there?! "

To be continued

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Date - 06/03/2022
Words - 1182

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