The Royal academy of Concordia

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Your Pov

From darkness I escaped, and the darkness I've returned. Where am I ?
"Bgh" "are you wakeful?" "Huh?" Fenn's gleaming simle is inches from my face .
"What in the heck is this ! What are you....oh" I want to move but I can't and I am leying on Fenn's lap. "Does my knee not make for a comfortable throne ? All I wish to do is have a nice friendly discussion with you " he said . "I could do that from a seat that's not, you know ,a body part! " I said . "But I can hardly relinquish you when there's still so much you don't know . Besides you are a rare delicacy and I , for one , can't wait to sample your delights" he said. " Whatever you're after ,I need you to respect my wishes and give me my personal space . Back up " I requested him . "I simply adore your fire. I wonder what you would look like in a proper rage ? Or even driven to tears " swing and miss . He's not listening either ." Oh , treasure.i fear you've had another man on your mind for the past few moments" he asked . "What?!" He swoops in suddenly, hovering on the edge of bringing our lips together. "The red of your eyes bring out my mischievous side , you know " he said . " What exactly would that entail ?" I asked. "Wouldn't you like to know " "umm....." It pains me , how beautiful this man is .it physically pains me . I'm not normally the type to be swayed by a pretty face but Fenn is the sort of handsome that deserves to be sculpted and painted . I'm breaking into a sweat here . "Lovely. Now then shall we?"
"Shall we?...."
"Why , kiss of course. Unless you're the sort that prefers to osculate with your eyes open ." He wants to kiss me ? "Alright, hold on right there . Let's just think this over----" some voice interpret me . "What devilry are you up to now ?" "Have we you mid-woo?"
"Clearly you have , so would you mind terribly not getting in my way ? We were just getting to the good part ." Fenn said . "Stand down , you rascal " the blue-haired one strides up to us and unceremoniously tugs on my arm . On one hand , I've managed to escape my alarming perch on fenn's knee . On the other hand , I still can't move and end up sprawled out on the floor . "I say ,are you all right? Come back up on my lap". Fenn asked . "No , thank you . I'm perfectly fine on the floor " I said . "Hahaha, you are marvelous" he said while laughing. "Fenn , you know ancient magic is only to be used within S rank class hours ." Blue -haired man said . "You've no sense of fun , Toa ." I should put some distance between us while he's distracted. "Hello , what was your name again ? " The light -green haired man crouching down to meet my eye have a listless air about him . "Your name ? "
"Um, Y/n"
"I am lynt"
"Lynt , okay"
"Good "
What a gentle simle.
" My word , Toa , but you do know how to dampen a person's enthusiasm" "and you have wasted my valuable time before classes begin " " haha , Ruthless . Well , so be it . Until next time , Y/n " Fenn said as he walked out . " so , what was to this ancient magic business you were talking about ? " I asked them . "You really don't know , do you ?" "I don't want to explain. Toa , you do it ". "......Fine " Heaving a melodramatic sigh, he sits on the sofa Fenn has recently vacated and begins his tale . "Ancient magic is , in simple terms, the craft of king because of its lofty status , the ability to wield it is often found in royalty". Blue -haired man said. " I hear that those within whom demon blood is strong can use it as well "Lynt said. Uhh , demon blood ? That doesn't sound good . " A total of 13 people currently possess the ability to use ancient magic in our world . This includes the kings of the seven Dark Kingdoms , plus the princes of Qelsum , Avari , Luxure, Akedia and Invidia . Finally, the headmaster of this academy can as well . What ancient magic entails varies from country to country . There are said to be seven different types " blue-haired man explained. "Okay ?? " " Not exactly" "your power of retention are less than ideal "
"That was one of the fanciest insults I've ever received but I don't know what are expect me to do about it . I'd like to wind this explanation way , way back ...... to the fundamentals of this world and everything in it , if you wouldn't mind " I said . "That would be a colossal waste of time ". He sighed . " You have class to get to , after all" lynt said . " I do? What am I studying? " I asked them .

"Welcome to Royal Academy of Concordia " lynt said .
"That....... doesn't actually answer my questions but okay ? Thank you ."
Lynt settles on the sofa , pulls his knees upto his chest , and wraps himself in his cloak . What's he doing ? "No sleeping , lynt " "I am not ,yet " That's his sleeping position? It kind of reminds me of an upside down bat . Or a caterpillar in a cocoon . "Toa , why don't you show Y/n to the dorms ? " " You simply want to drive me off so that you can nap Don't you ? "

"....." " Very well . I expect you to behave yourself better at the ball " "Mmmm......." With that non-committal response, lynt shuts his eyes . Is he really sleeping?
"Confound it , how long do you plan on sitting there ? Up with you , I say " "what " somehow, he's standing right next to me . He reluctantanly reach for the outstretched hand in front of me and am relieved when I manage to grip it . "Whoops , look like I'm still getting my bearings " " here come " where?! " If you don't require my guidance, I'm leaving" " no , I do ! Let's go together!" "Have a good day ,Toa , you too Y/n " lynt said .
The blue -haired man called Toa pauses , helping me along through the open door .

To be continued

Sorry for not updating 🥺
My phone was not working properly that's why couldn't post anything . Forgive me 😭.
My phone is still not working properly but I will try to post so I am sorry for slow updat .

Date - 1/09/2021
Words- 1078

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