Exceptional Magic

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3rd person pov

Guy catches Y/n in one arm as she collapses . Toa , who's reached out at the exact same time , pulls away disapprovaingly

"What was that " violet asked .
"........The headmaster magic " Guy replied .

"Oh right . The Sigillum arcanum " Lynt said .
"Well , that will certainly be a bother . If she takes it off for too long and continues to radiate power , she passed out . " Fenn said .

"So this girl has no way of suppressing her magical power "? Violet asked .

The choker floats up from Y/n's limp hand , encouraged and directed by Guy's power . It settles against Y/n's neck and fastens securely once more .

"Well ? What happened? " Guy asked .
"It's as you see " lynt said .
"This magical beastie made its way onto the grounds all of a sudden " Fenn explained .
"And I am asking why such a creature managed to slip past the academy wards so easily " Guy asked again .
"If we knew that , what merrit would there be in keeping such information from you "? Toa said irritatedly

"Nevermind, take Y/n somewhere warm , guy " lynt said .
"Indeed , I dread to think of treasure getting cold and having nightmares " Fenn said .

"Treasure? Why do you call her that ?" Violet asked a bit suspiciously.
"Why , isn't she precious? She's our lovely little fledgling . Our gem . Our-------" Fenn continued but violet cut him off.
"You have terrible taste in nicknames "

And while this exchange is going on ........Y/n lies pale and limp in Guy's embrace, she doesn't bat an eyelid.

Next morning
Your pov

"Wrrbgh ?"
"Oh ! Milady "!
"...Robin "
"Thank goodness you are unharmed ! I-i was so worried when Milady wouldn't wake up........"

I rub Robin's furry brow soothingly as I pull up into a sitting position. His eyes are glossy with emotion . I feel a bit sluggish for some reason. What was I doing right before I fell asleep?
Ah , it's all coming back to me now .

" Hmm? Milady? You appear to have a crease between your brows " Robin said .

Now I remember

"Milady? Are you all right? "
Yeah , i am good , huh ?"

As I nod , I fell something strong against my throat . The choker Toa told me to take off yesterday is back in place .
I am no longer in my white ballgown , but a dress I don't recognise.

"Robin , why am I wearing this ?" I asked him .
"Miss violet used magic to change your clothing yesterday"
"Violet? Huh........."

Fenn's beautiful, butt - kicking valet .

"Oh , well , that was nice of her . I hope it wasn't too much trouble"
"No , i Bel miss violet was enjoying herself"
"Enjoying herself how ? "
"She laughed and said it reminded her of when her little brother was young"

She does have a bit of a big sister vibe . I'll have to thank her next time we meet .

I'm about to climb out of bed and go about my day when there's a knock at the door .

"Begging your pardon"
"Oh , Roy.
And........... companion, apparently.

"I see that you have managed to awake on your own " Roy said .
"This way , you highness "
The man retrieves a chair from the corner of the room and sets it next to my bed .

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