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Your pov

The Royal academy of Concordia continues its lecturer right up until the hour of ten at night.

It's been a long , long day . What's more ? I've made no inroads into casting spells .

Wait------- , who's that ?

Now I have noticed there is a young man up ahead , hip jutted and arms folded across his chest.

He really lucked out in the genetic lottery . Is he a student of the academy?

I have caught his eye , so I offer him a friendly smile and attempt to pass by

"Oi, you "  me ?

I spin around to find a pair of deep , azure eyes glittering with mistrust .

   (This is the guy )

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   (This is the guy )

Confusing as this is , he seems young, so I purposely adopt a gentle expression as I reply . "Are you talking to me ?"

"Who are u ? My master has never once cared about girls or romance or anything like that before now " he said .

"Your master? Are u someone's valet ?" I asked .

"I am indeed. I serve Toa Qelsum " he said proudly .
Toa , meaning the one was initially with lynt .

" I hear from Jasper that you're a transfer student. Why in devildom would you catch his eye when you're not even a noble ? I assumed it must be power , but you're a C rank , what the deuce is going on here ? " He said sounding mad .
What on the earth is he made about ?

Despite how disgruntled he appeares to be , I'm not particularly intimidated.
" And you would be-------? " My sentence was cut off . "Gnk--------"  yikes!!

Toa shows up behind the boy and hikes him up by the back of his collar .
"Wh-what are you doing ? "
"I believe that is my line , knight"
Oops , I think he's been out scowled . Now , this is intimidating. I pale as much as the boy does .

" How many times must I tell you not to run rampant?" Toa said .
"B-But , see......... "
"Save your excuses, is that head of yours completely hollow ?"
With a keen like a wild animal , the boy falls silent. Toa at last releases his grip on the scruff of his neck .
Uh-oh , has his wrath found a new traget .

"Has he offended you ? " Toa asked .
"No, no ! Not at all " I said .
"Excellent. Now , refrain from doing anything Rask as I ask you this . Will you be attending the ball with lynt ?"
That was quite a leap in to pics........
I have a feeling this conversation isn't headed anywhere good ,but I nod all the same .

"Repeat what I said six seconds ago " he said .
"Six? Uh.......... Let's see......... 'what did you Just say to him?' harrumohhh !!! No ? Tough crowd " my efforts to ease the tension by imitating him have had the opposite effect .

" ..........Are you , to employ to the vernacular having a laugh?" He said .

"That was dreadful " the boy said . If anything, the room's grown colder .

"Whoops , my bad ........ Hahahahaha " I just laughed rather awkwardly .
"Bah........ Did I ,or did I not tell you to refrain from doing anything rash ?" Toa said .
" Oh , well! Pardon me then "
"I will repeat myself: will you attend the ball with lynt ?"
"Yes , I promised him I would "
"You suffer from an even greater lack of foresight than I initially assumed. " Toa heaves a put- upon sigh .
"See that you don't go to that ball . The last thing anyone wants to deal with is a whole contingent of idiots" he said .
"And just what's that supposed to mean ?"
"If only I cared enough to explain. Suffice it to say that you'd best not go " toa effectively ends that conversation by retrieving something from his breast pocket .
Is that a pocket watch ? Is he secretly a white rabbit ?
The watch , beautifully crafted in bright gold , commands my full attention . It loooks to be a high quality antique , and toa tucks it away with great care .

"It's time knight, we're leaving".
"Okay" both of them leave without a word of goodbye. Actually, no . Toa does say a thing .
"You should know that your clothes have ripped"
"Really ? Oh..............! no kidding"  it must have happened when I was practicing swordfighting earlier . Not great Y/n . This is on loan .
"I wouldn't think of going to the ball if I were you . Especially if you cannot even keep yourself dressed " . With the biting comment, Toa and his young valet make for the staircase .  Who talks to people like that.? I mean honestly. Still , I can't deny that he has a point. I don't own anything appropriate to wear to ball in my own world let alone somebody's else . Whatever, I'll have to ask lynt about it tomorrow.
Today's been so long and full of excitement. I don't have strength to do anything more .

To be continued

Date- 22/02/2022
Words - 796

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