Underachiever pt.2

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Your pov

"Whoa " Golden cups fly off one of the shelves on the wall , one of them stopping in front of me. What in the actual heck ?! . I cautiously peer inside and am even more shocked to find it full of liquid. Every other students in the class is perfectly fine with this turn of events. "The goblet in front of you is filled with water . We will now attempt to change that into wine via the power of magic " Roy said . "Yes , professor Roy " . Am I required to do this too? How ? Last I heard , turning water into wine wasn't a particularly common skill and to do it through magical powers , I'm not even sure I posses .

"......." Yessh , that stare is physically painful.

I square my shoulders and hold my hands out, imitating the students around me .

"Here goes nothing.." I said taking a deep breath.


"Abracadabra ! Turn into wine !"


"Hahaha, you know , that's considered a magical word where I come from " .

"........" Not one for small talk , Gotcha.

" Visualization is crucial to our task to day , everyone. You must envision more than simple white wine , red or rose ; you must think of the flavours, the mouthfeel , the aroma . Picture your wine in minute detail before you invoke your powers " Roy said .
I got to the first half of that , but you lost me at 'invoke' .


"Cripes! I've done it !" Rio said cheerfully .

"What , seriously? Oh, wow! That's so cool! It looks like a nice cabernet you've got there. " I said
"I was picturing it paired with a nice steak and thought red would be the best choice"

"That makes sense ".

"May I take a look , Rio? " . Here he comes . Up close , Roy's princely aura increases tenfold . Fenn's impossibly beautiful too, but this one , it's like he was carved out of marble or something. He dips a fingertip into Rio's wine and bring it to his lips .
"Mm. Yes , passing marks . Wonderfully executed , Rio . This is a wine of the highest calibre; a true delight for the taste buds . " Roy said praising Rio . "And it would pair well with steak too." Roy nods , his gentle gaze sliding across to me . " How are you finding your first lesson. Miss y/n ?"

"It's.....going about as well as it looks ".
The water in my cup remains just that .

"Haha . Quite understandable for a novice "
He remarks , crouching down . The sweet scent of wine wafts from his person and then our shoulders brush . His long , elegant fingers curve around my hands .


"Uncurl your fingers gently like so . Trace the contours of the goblet in the air like a lover's caress". He whispers in my ear and suddenly, I understand what all the fuss is about. Are teachers usually this hands - on with their students in this world ?
"Have you ever had wine before?" Roy asked . My head jerks in a nod . He offers me a silky smile that feels like high praise . "Then hold for me , in your mind , the color of the wine you tasted . Recall how it felt on your tongue" . I can hardly think at all right now , to be honest. Instead, I'm focuses on the feel of his hands around mine . That, and the watchful gazes of the two on either side of us . Oh , and let's not forget the extreme Royal Rage going on up front. "Heh, perhaps a brief respite , then". He removes his hands from mine and coherent though comes rushing back .
"It is a lot to ask out of the blue , isn't it . I understand". Roy said .

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to follow your direction. I promise" I said to him .

"I will not have you apologizing when you've done nothing wrong. All good things come in time " He said smiling.

"Right......" I nod following the flow of conversation, but something feels incredibly off . See , I'm not entirely sure that's true in this case . I'd like to go back to my own world .
"How are you doing, Master Aquia?" Oh ! It's the little brother again.

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(Guy's little brother)

"Dear me ,so I see". Roy said . "Forgive me , professor . I know I'm always like this ".

"No ,no . There is no need to be discouraged" .

"You too, will flourish just as soon as you've discouraged the knack ".

"..... Alright."

"It would seem I'm wasting my time ". Guy said suddenly. "Pardon ?"
With that , he abruptly rises from his seat and leaves without meeting my eye . What is with that guy ? Rude .

" Let us continue with our class , everyone ". Roy and after few minutes class ended .

To be continued .

Sorry this is a short chapter , I am kinda busy bcz of my exams . Anyways I will post slowing until my exams are over . Bye everyone 🖐🏻🌝

Date - 15/09/2021
Words - 794

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