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Your pov

"Welcome to Introduction to magic" Rio said . I enter the classroom with what may be a hint of trepidation. So this is where one learns to do magic .

I came here to glean information, but I didn't realise how real it would feel .
" Sit wherever you like. I tend to prefer the back . You're much less likely to get caught noshing on candy that way " Rio said . "Hahaha , very clever " . I naturally gravitate towards the back , intending to sit next to him . The seats are in tiered rows , leading to a podium at the lowest level in the front. "Feeling nervous about your first class?" Rio asked . "Yes , very much so " I'm not sure if I'd say nervous so much as supremely out of my element .

"You'll be all right . Your blunders won't be visible from these seats and I'll aid you if need be so don't hesitate to call upon me for help"

"Thank you Rio . You've been such a help alright."

"Not at all . You're very welcome. Care for a sweetie before the class begins, Y/n ? "

He holds out what appears to be a gobstopper sized eyeball , which is surprisingly grotesque as far as "sweeties" go .
"Er,no thank you. I appreciate the offer , though".

"Really? These eyeball drops are all the rage of late " that's perplexing.

"It's not fair ! Why can't it be time for class to start ?" Is she that excited about learning? Cool, if so Get that education, girl . I then realise that all the female students seem giddy . Meanwhile the guys couldn't care less . "Is this a thing? Are the girls here more into studying , or .........? " I asked Rio curiously. "It's less about the course work and more about the professor". Before he can explain further, a tall man strides into the room . Oh , it's from yesterday.
"Hello everyone. Hahaha how wonderful to see the beginners class ready to learn". Roy said. "So this guy is our professor ?" I said. "That's right . Roy Invidia. He's actually an S rank , you know . They tend to have fewer class hours , so he's taken it upon himself to teach those A rank and below in a bid to polish he skills ". Rio said . It sounds like there's a big gap between those of S rank and those below . "Oh, and Roy is also the crown prince of the kingdom of Invidia. Hence the last name ". "He's a Prince".
Did he just look at me ? He does more than, he waves lightly in my direction. The students up front immediately turns around to stare .
"Who is she ?"

"And why is Prince Roy waving at her?"

"Haha , wotcher ,Roy " Rio ignores the disapproving stares I'm getting and waves right back .

"Oh , nevermind. He was just saying hello to prince Rio "

"Naturally, like recognise like , I am jealous how close they are ".
Am I hearing this correctly ?!.
"So ? Do you see the reason for the fan club now ?" Rio said . "Sort of , but what concers me more is that like recognise like part ." I asked him . "Oh , of course ! That's because I'm Voleri Royalty". He said . "So you ARE a Prince! "
"Yes , but you needn't treat me and differently ! We don't stand on ceremony much in Voleri , you see ." Rio said . "Now then , let us begin . But first , attendance. Oh? What have we here ?" The door opens and the classroom fills with speculative whispers . Then who should saunter into the room as if he owns the place but .......... What the-?! There no way he's meant to be in here ! " May I help you , Master guy ?"

"I've come to take your class".



He's staring at me . How can one person be so intense? His eyes red , red eyes are endlessly deep and just as unsettling.


Uh-oh . He's coming this way . This distance between us swiftly shrinks . What he's going to do ? He............He just sat down next to me .......... WHY?!!

"I see you are not the sort to follow instructions" guy said to me .

"That depends on who gives them ". I said .

"You and Guy are acquainted, aren't you , Y/n ?" Rio asked .
"In a manner of speaking......... I gather you know him as well , Rio ?"

" In a manner of speaking".


I glance around the room , calmer now.
"Prince Guy took it upon himself to sit next to her ? And speak to her , on top of that ?". " Who exactly is this transfer student?"
I've attracted more attention from the female students. I shiver , uncomfortable .
"Big brother dearest!" Now what's going on? "........" " How delighted I am that you've joined us in Introduction of Magic ". If I'm reading this situation right, this is Guy's younger brother.
"To what do we own the pleasure?"
" Silence".
"Oh, Alright"
At least now I know that he's equally cold to everyone he meets . "Quite in the classroom, please and thank you. Once again, let us begin with attendance. " Roy smoothly lists off his students names as if nothing ever happened. "Master Rio Voleri"
"Hahaha . Excellent show of enthusiasm. Next ......... Miss Y/n L/n "
"Hi .... I mean, present"
"Wonderful. Welcome to our class. Since you are new here , come to me with any questions you may have . I would be happy to assist ."
"Thank you"
Thanks , professor . That's earning me a whole bunch of angry glares from people with crushes on you ! "........" You too scary prince that also keeps glaring at me but for some reason chose to sit next to me! .
"That concludes attendance. I notice Master Ira and Dia are absent again today" . he records this information in a book and , after a short pause...... Flings a hand out in front of him . Okay , that was fancy .....?
"Whoa !!"

To be continued

I will reveal guy younger brother identity in next chapter. Bye ☺️

Date - 02/09/2021
Words - 971

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