Another stolen kiss

117 4 1

Your pov

A creature known commonly as a dragon has blotted out the sky . A storm issues from its lips with every ferocious breath, and it's coming in fast .
Oh my god ! Time to get out of here .

This seems about as good a time to run as any , but Fenn and I are so tangled up in each other that I have to smack his shoulder to get his attention.

"How unfortunate, until next time , I suppose." Fenn said .
"Whoa !" I find myself airbone . Claws rend the air where we were a mere second before . Still holding me Aloft, Fenn takes to the sky .

"Hahah, that was a bit dicey, wasn't it? I daresay that dragon is still wild . Poor manners, honestly" And this is just a normal thing?! Dragons are a normal thing?!

By his reaction, you'd think he was talking about a stray kitten.
"Sorry , treasure. Next time ,I'll let you take the lead "  He winks at me in his usual charming way and uses his magic to make me light as a feather.
"Now then , be a dear and hold on " Fenn line of sight slides away from me . His eyes narrow into slits as he assesses the dragon and its outstretched wings . The eldritch scrunching continues , so deafening I think my eardrums might shatter . As the dragon leaps around for another assault, Fenn calls out to it , injecting magic into his voice.

"Good dragon, HEAD . MY . WORD ."
There's an idea ! He can control it !
A rush of hope and relief hits me , but it's quickly snuffed out . The dragon hasn't lost any momentum .



I feel the wind from the dragon's claws . Fenn leaps nimbly out of the way before it tears us asunder . It seems to have overbalanced and can no longer control its speed .
"How peculiar. My ancient magic doesn't seem to be having an effect "

" this really the time to be pondering that mystery?"

"Hmmm, ahh , excellent!"

"What about this is excellent?!"

The chaotic crack of trees breaking captures my attention. Dozens of eerily wrapped branches snake into the sky to wrap around the dragon's limbs.
Now what's going on?

" I leave you alone for barely a minute and look what happens!  "

"Toa ! You're back !" Lynt appears a half beat later , completely unfazed.
"Why is there a dragon at the academy?" Lynt asked .
Hovering mid-air , Toa swishes his hand in some sort of command . The dragon's wooden shackles burst into flames .
That's is the craziest thing I've ever seen !

Fenn sets me down in the shadow of a massive tree , where Toa and Lynt join us .

"Are you alright, Y/n ? " Lynt asked .

"I demand an explanation" Toa said .

"That naughty little creature came and spoiled our fun " Fenn replied .

"That's trespassing" Lynt said .

"So it would seem . By the way , Toa old chap , wouldn't ancient magic have been a better choice than offensive magic" Fenn said .
"Why use and axe when a dagger will do ? It's only one dragon...............What...? "

All eyes turn unpward to the dragon. The thrashing creature has lost none of its ire , and is currently trying to shred the flaming branches around it to pieces.

"Fenn , we'll fell the beast with a pincer attack " Toa said .
"The flames seem to be cuddling it if anything. Water perhaps? Ice ? Light..........?  " Fenn questioned .
"Moonlight might work " Lynt replied .
"Then it is settled. We'll use blades forget of moonlight to take it down " Toa said .
"You say the cruelest things without batting an eyelash , dear Toa " Fenn said .

Trying to follow their impromptu strategy meeting makes me feel like a bobblehead doll  , especially when all three turn to me at once .

"Lynt will be right here with you "

"I will be your protector "

"Okay ! I have no idea how to fight a dragon, or else I'd help you guys . If you need me to throw a shoe or something, I'm your girl ."

"The binding is breaking. Make haste ."

"Witness us!"

Both vanish from my line of sight. Two magical princes just left to fight a dragon. Okay , this is a thing now .

With fearsome cry , the dragon makes splinters of its fiery prison . Fenn then flashes into view at its back , while Toa hovers before it . Red Moonbeam break into needle- like shards that shoot toward the dragon .
That's incredible!!
The moonblades pierce the beast from every angle , sending it tumbling from the sky . It crashes to the ground of dirt and grass flying. Here?! It's coming right after us !!

"Fear not! "
"Wow "
Right before the flying dirt and debris can hit us , it vaporizes in a flash of light.

"You used your magic just now , didn't you , Lynt ?"

"I was told to protect you "

"Well , I'm grateful that you did . "


"So Lynt got to play the dashing hero , did he ?" Fenn said .
"Stay alert. We still have cast the binding" Toa shouted.
"Steady on . It has a bit of fight in it yet . "
The dragon staggers to its feet in the crater it created, then flaps its wings and takes to the sky once more .
How?! I would have been a pancake if I'd taken as much damage as it has .

"Not enough magical power, it would seem . Tch. If only we could be rid of our sigillum arcanum............A-ha !!! "
Toa eyes swivel in my direction.
What?! What' d I do ?
He soars down to meet me and touching upon the ground in front of me grips my shoulders .

"What is it ? What can I do for you ?" I asked .
"Take that choker off ! "

"My choker? Why? "

"At once "

"Okay sure ! Give me a sec "  I fumble to get it off , and the second I do Toa cups the back of my head . My eyes widen in disbelief.

"Wait a----------mph!! " He kisses me . Yes , in a truly brazen move , Toa presses his chilly lips to mine .
"......... " His body is consumed in blue flames as he rises into the sky .

"If you would be so kind , treasure! "
"Here "
He hooks an arm around my waist, but I see what his up to and plant a conciliatory smack on his lips .
Two kisses in less than a minute. This is beginning to feel more like a middle school party than a ball .
As with Toa , the kiss wreaths him in fire the color? The same beautiful violet of his eyes .
"That 's a might better , much obliged . I feel as if I could tame that saucy beast in an instant now .

"Let's go "
They both zip through the air , which is to be their field of battle .

"Y/n " Lynt called out .
I take a step back , convinced Lynt is going to try and get on the kissing bandwagon. A smile softens his features as he notes the wariness in my eyes .

"I won't kiss you  , that's it "

"That would be a change of pace ."

"Don't you believe me? "

"I would like to "

"Then do . Have faith. I am solely here to protect you . May I move closer to you ? "

With everything else going on and with Lynt the one saying it , this is the sweetest, most innocent request I've ever heard. He must have notice the way the tension leaves my shoulders. The smile on his face is softness itself.

"Stay close . I swear I will not see you hurt ." I nod and tuck myself against his back . If I can't assist directly, I'll help by not putting myself in harm's way . Meanwhile, another air battle has begun . Toa and Fenn have enraged the dragon who challenges them with a roar .

To be continued

Date- 17/03/2022
Words- 1278

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