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Your pov

I'll start with what I can do now . Upon deciding this , my next few days in the magical realm pass by in a blue .

"Deas last ???? Are you serious??" I couldn't believe my eyes .

There's a merciless rundown of everyone marks in the hallway. Listed from top to bottom are our scores from magic exam yesterday. My name is at the very bottom right next to two other names .

'Lance Ira ' & ' Dia Akedia'

Wait a second. I think I've heard these names before . I got the same grade as people who don't even come to class .

I've been trying my hardest with this magic thing for me past few days too. This is great , just great .

"Think nothing of it , Y/n" Rio rubs my shoulder encouragingly.

"I feel like I've let you down after all you tried to teach me , I'm sorry " I said as I know I have disappointed Rio .

"Never you mind about that , no apologies. Besides, we've barely scraped the surface when it comes to magic . Truth to be told , you should have an S rank look over your technique."

An S rank ? Hmmmmm

The headmaster told me that they could and would assist me with my skills but i haven't spoken to any of them in private since that day .

All my time has gone to classes . Even during meals , I'm reading book borrowed from Rio.

And what do I have to show for it ?? The worst grade in the school.

"Is this Miss Y/n and our dear Rio? This is a happy coincidence." Roy voice came from behind.

"Hullo , Roy , Guy ." Rio greeted them .

"................... Absolute last , i see." Guy said eyeing me .

"Yes , well , i've only just began to figh." I said .

"An admirable outlook, to be sure. You have taken a knee intrest in your lessons of late , Miss Y/n . We are all aware ." Roy said .

"It would be good if you two would teach Y/n magic ." Rio suggested to them .

"Us......?" - Roy
" Unnecessary " - Guy

Excuse you ??!!

" Don't be such a soggy cauldron. Y/n's doing her best ." Rio stood up for me .

"..........." Guy lost interest apparantly , as he strides off.

"......... Apologies. I shall see you again in class ." With a sweeping bow , Roy leaves as well .

So neither of them have any interest in helping me . Okay then.

"Now , now , those two are always preoccupied with something or other. But now you and i have a class together, so let's be off ." Rio smile helps pick up heart up off the floor .

In the class

"Today , our A ,B and C ranks will be learning suspension magic ."

Roy , our professor, flashes a princely smile from the lectern . The front seats are , as usual, dominated by his fan club .
On each desk is an ordinary piece of paper with nothing written on it .

"C ranks , attempt to have the paper in front of you float with magic . B ranks , try to float the paper above your own head and incinerate in mid-air . Lastly , A ranks should float the paper and fold it into the shape of bird in mid-air . Freeze it and have it remain so as you return it to the desk." Roy explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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