prologue pt.3

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Your Pov

I feel something warm and wet . I open my eyes to the sensation of tiny tongue lapping at my cheek. "Nn....haha. Robin ,that tickles" Relife washes over me as I open my eyes . "Good morning, milady" Robin said "gahhh" " are you alright?" I blink rapidly and scrub at my eyes finally taking a deep breath before I dare to look again . "Milady?" Oh my god ! He can talk!! He can fly ? The pain of hitting my butt on the ground is all to real. " I understand your suprise. Having never been to magical realme before , I'm as thrilled as you are! But all will be well milady . You have nothing to fear as long as I am with you!! Hehe, it's like a dream, getting to finally speak to you , Lady Y/n ." He said. " Are you really Robin?" I asked him . "That's right! It's me Robin , in the flesh ! The headmaster has assigned me as your familiar ." He said cheerfully. " My what now ? Actually, nevermind I have a million other things to take in strider before I can deal with that " I said . " Indeed , perhaps a nice refreshing shower will make you feel better about things . You've always loved to take a soak before going out , after all!"  Okay , so.......this flying cat might really be my Robin . I go to bathroom. I shake my head and pinch my cheeks in an attempt to bring myself back to reality. " Oww . This is no dream .so where exactly am I " I said to myself.


"This world is entirely unlike the place from where you came. It is the magical realme" headmaster said.

Flashback ended

"The magical realme....? This is a lot to procees. Holy!!!" When I go in front of mirror. I see that my eyes are red in colour . " How can my eyes be that colour ?? They are a deep wine red " Though the tangle of my mind . I recall that moon I saw last night . This is same colour as the eyes of the men that kissed me.

Few minutes later

After bathing, I slip into below-the- knee dress that's been left in the bathroom and step outside. I am more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl . This feels kind of vintage . Classic even .

Sorry guys this chapter is short . Plz support and vote this story 🙏🏻✨.

Date-14/ 07/ 2021
Words -403

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