Ancient magic

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Your Pov

"Is this the academy, then ? " I said as I was looking at halls . "The academy dorms , to be precise " someone said from behind me . "Oh!" I jumped from the sound . " My apologizes . I seem to have caused alarm" who's this ? And how did he sneak up behind me? " I am humbled and honoured to meet you . My name is Jasper and I am prince Guy's valet "

   That guy who kissed me is a prince ? "Prince guy wishes the pleasure of your company" he said

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   That guy who kissed me is a prince ?
"Prince guy wishes the pleasure of your company" he said . " So.....who is this person , exactly? " I asked him . "Prince Guy droken avari is the crown prince of the kingdom avari "he said. " Wow , so I didn't mishear that ! He really is royalty" I said amused. "Will you grace us with your presence? " He asked . " ......sure " I said .

Few minutes later
In guy chamber

"Begging your pardon, my prince . I have brought her as requested. The seat next to Prince guy is your milady" he said as I take seat next to him . "Hello " I greeted him but he didn't respond. No sooner have I taken a seat than a beautiful teacup is placed on the table before me . " Here you are . It may be a triffe hot , so please take care not to burn your tongue" Jasper said . "Thnak you very-----?!" What in the world is that? The cups contents leave me at loss of words . I had been expecting either coffee or tea , but the liquid in the cup is thick and red . Please tell me that's not blood. " You are dismissed, Jasper " guy ordered him . "As you wish " no don't go! I don't want to be left alone with him out of the blue .
"Why have you come to our world ?" He questioned. "Good question" even I don't know the answer . "What is your aim? " He questioned again. " I don't actually have an aim in being here . I'm as confused as you are about why I'm here in the first place " I said . "You have no designs of becoming dark emperor, I trust? " The what now ? "Why do you not answer me immediately?" He asked. "I would if I had any idea what you're asking ------------Ack!!!" My words abruptly cut off as he grabs me by the chin . "Say nothing aside from what I seek to know " he said . " But I ....." I stoped talking as he purs my wide eyes , assessing me . "How convenient that the headmaster has rendered your eyes this colour . I shall keep you for my own ." I know I should get out of here immediately but I can't. "You" "milday " "Robin " my black cat is hovering outside the window , shoving his pads against it to get it open . He has come to rescue me!. "Is this your familiar?" He asked me. " Milady ! All is well! I have come to save the day ! " Robin said . "Return to your room " guy ordered. "Hey" wait , what ?  Where is Robin going? I bat his hands away from me and runs for the exit .why won't the door open ?! "Help ! Somebody help me ! " I yank and  yank at the door handle until--- " it's no use " he grabs my arms and spins me around knocking my shoulders against the heavy frame . " It seems you require some training if you still believe you can escape me " he said . "Okay , wow . Let's all just calm down and talk about this . I'm not even ------" 
" Guy" someone said from outside the door . "Finally! Help! " I said relifed . "It's Roy . I heard quit a ruckus just now . Is everything alright? " He asked from outside . "Be Quite" Two whispered commands is all it takes to turn me into a statue again . "Guy? Hm . He mustn't be in there . Perhaps that noise was coming from elsewhere? " Aww man . He's leaving. My mood sinks as I hear Roy's footsteps fade into the distance . "Wha------" my field of vision twists and suddenly my feet are in the air . Is he carring me like an actual prince?!. "Oof! " He tosses me unceremoniously onto a bed and grabs me by both arms again . "All you need do is behave yourself, Jasper "he called . "You called , you royal highness? " Jasper came and asked . "Tend to this woman . " He ordered . "Ah yes, her hands , very well my prince " What's this about my hands ?! Huh??? They're really red . Did this happen when I was banging in the door!!." We will talk later " he acts like a jerk but I think he is kind . I raise an eyebrow and look over to see Jasper rubbing some sort of cream on my hands . "The pain will fade soon " he said . "Thank you " I thanked him. "I shall bring you some refreshments" he said " umm actually---- " what is with this people ? Why do none of them listen to a word I say ?? . "Ah last , those hindering our reunion have made themselves scarece".     " Whoa " startled , I turn towards the open window right as a man steps through it . "I have come to the rescue , dear Y/n . Oh dear , don't tell me you have forgotten who I am ? " Purple haired man asked . "You're ......... Someoen I met yesterday" .    " Excellent... I 'm charmed that you remember . I am Fenn , although you may call me darling or any other term of endearment you so choose " he said. "So , Fenn , you said you're here to rescue me . Did you mean from that guy? " I asked . "Yes quite . I suspected he might be bullying you a bit , and it seems I was correct " he said as he looked at my hands . "What makes you say that "? I asked . " What of the bandages on your hands ? " He asked  . " Oh this? It was kind of self-inflicted to be honest. I was trying to bash my way to freedom , but he was very nice about it . He even had some sort of peppermint scented cream" I told me . "Oh , indeed ? And guy tended to your wounds ? Hmmm, well whatever the case ..... Come with me " he said as he gently took my hands not to hurt me .  " Oh , not again. " I said . "Relax . All  is well. Surrender everything to me and I will grace you with unimaginable pleasure . " The labyrinthine depths of his violet eyes are so gentle and comforing ....... No! I can't even keep my eyes open now . And I fall asleep.

Date - 14/ 07/2021
Words- 1060

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