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Your pov

" Ah ! Milady ! " The instant i step into the academy foyer , Robin flies on my arms . He looks distressed . I catch him firmly, immediately sensing that something is wrong . At my side , Roy seems to have the same thought.

" How many people there are about" Roy said with sweat dropped .
"Agreed" .

A ring of students watches us from a distance. Among them are several faces i recognise.

They're all extreme members of Roy's fan club .

"May we return to your room , milady ?
Quickly? " Robin asked probably stressed.

"That may be for the best " i said .

"Let us hurry, then . I shall see you to your door " Roy offered.

"Prince Roy !!!"
Uh - oh . This isn't going to end well .

A vanguard of girls from the intro to magic class is stalking this way . Roy smoothly steps out in front of me , blocking me from their lines of sight .

" Why , hello there everyone" Roy said .

"Hello , umm, why are you looking time with this transfer student? "

"We heart you were suddenly unable to attend lectures today . Apparently you and she had a quite a fun walk out in town together. And what's more------"

"Ugh ! Get to the point already! Prince Roy , we demand to know what sort of relationship you have with her "

Robin and i freeze under the litany of questions. Meanwhile, Roy's confident smile never waves .

"Why , Miss Y/n has only just joined us , she is unused to the Isle of Colde yet . I as her instructor took it upon myself to be her guide ." Roy said .

The words " as her instructor " seem to have a mollifying affect.

" You are too magnanimous, prince Roy "

"We don't want you to have anything to do with this transfer a anymore!!!"

Seriously? Where do they get off talking about me like that ? Or him , for that matter .

" I fear i cannot speak to the truth behind your words , ladies, but it hurts my heart to hear them . We must never forget to approach others with a spirit of consideration and compassion ". Roy said.

" We aren't just saying this for our own sake !!!"

"Let's not forget that magical beast that ruined that ball yesterday. Rumor has it the transfer student invited that dragon onto academy grounds. "

Uh , what ? That would be a neat trick.

" What ?"  Robin said cluelessly.

" Well ? We've never had magical creatures on the grounds in all of our history! And now it coincides with her arrival ? How can they not be connected? "

"What's more , our S ranks students, everyone of them a living treasure...... Had to fight in a dangerous battle as a result! What if that was the transfer students aim all along ?"

"The beast attacked her as well , you know " Roy said as he tried to clean up things .

" Maybe that dragon went on a rampage because she couldn't control her familiar properly!!!"

What kind of twisted logic would lead you to such a conclusion? I can't even make a decent drink with magic .

Still , something about their argument snags in my mind . The dragon on campus was unprecedented , wasn't it ? It appeared in a place where there was no one around but Fenn and me .

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