A gentleman's agreement

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Your pov

Once we've reached the S rank common room , i extend my thanks.

"I appreciate you all coming to my aid back there . You managed to clear my name . I don't know what that mob would've done otherwise" I said bowing my head 

"There is no need to thank us , Miss Y/n . It was my own lack of foresight that drew you into the limelight . For that , you have my deepest apologies" Roy said with a guilty face .

"Don't say that . You went out of your way to defend me , if anything, I'm grateful" I just couldn't stand to see his guilty face .

"Miss y/n ............. You are a remarkable women with a truly kind heart" i blushed at his compliment.

"Hardly . You're the kind one , Roy . I had such a fun time with you today "

"Shall we sit and talk ? " Lynt interrupted with a tired voice  .

"Hahah , indeed . The sofa is yours , Miss y/n . A nice cup of warm tea will be brought in " Roy said .

"Thank you but ....... " Rather than sitting, i somberly study the faces of all five men .

"Y/n ?" Fenn called out my name .

"Are we absolutely certain my presence here had nothing to do with that dragon arrival ?" I asked the question which has been bugging me for a time .

"Hm? Whatever you mean ?" Fenn said .

"I can't use magic in the conventional sense yet , obviously, so I can't be summoning familiars . But how is it that the frayed spot in the wards coincided with where i was ?" I said .

"Oh , is this about how i suggested you be its aim?" Lynt asked.

"Based on how the other students were behaving, I'm led to belive this sort of thing doesn't really happen . You remember what the headmaster said when i showed up in this world right ? "
My plams have grown sweaty with unease. I close my fists to hide them .

"Are you suggesting that someone or something deliberately breached the wards , thereby making it possible to sic a dragon on you ?" Toa raised his eyebrows as he said this statement.

"That's my theory , yes" I said .

"Forgive me , y/n . I never imagined my words would bother you so much " lynt said .

"Lynt was simply naming one of a number of possibilities " fenn added .

"The headmaster himself concluded there was no villainy involved in the wards decay " Toa said .

"In short , you are in no way being targeted, Miss y/n . Please banish the very thought from your mind " Roy tried to comfort me .

"But---- " i started to say but guy interrupted me .

"Say what you really mean".

"Who , me ?"

"Admit it . You've grown fearful. You want to run . You cannot wait to return to your own world . Stop playing the long suffering victim and stand by your words." Guy said .

"Why i-----------------------------"

"Y/n is far from a victim, Guy. I think she is feeling responsible for endangering others and is attempting to make amends ." Fenn said taking me side.

"Is that true ? You feel it's your fault that we had to fight a dragon and now you want to leave us ?" Lynt asked.

I have no idea what to say to this . I'll admit part of me hates the thought of putting them all in danger . But to claim that's why i want to go home ? No , that feels dishonest. Since the very beginning, getting back to my own world has been foremost in my mind .

"You would leave us , y/n? " Fenn asked .

"Honestly, i don't feel like I belong here . I want to live in the world where I was born wnd raised. Where my family is ." I said with sadness laced my voice.

"Your family......... I suppose that does make sense . Naturally , you would have loved ones there just as we do ." Roy said .

"But is there a way for her to return to them ?" Lynt throwed a question.

"Do you know how it was that you came to this world , Miss y/n?" Roy asked but i shaked my head helplessly .

"I want to speak to the headmaster to see if he knows why I'm here and how can I  get back . Please, won't one of you tell me where is he ?" I asked .

"He was in his office earlier." Fenn replied.

"I cannot say if he's still there " lynt added.

"Still , i have to try . I have to go . Thank you all so much and.............. I'm sorry ." Bowing to them , i leave without ever meeting their eyes  .

Since arriving in this world , it's been nothing but bewilderment and confusion but people have defended me , advocated for me and guided me as well . I feel as I've betrayed their kindness somehow . I couldn't bring myself to smile as I left the common room just now .

Several minutes prior , when the moon hangs a fraction lower in the sky .

I left with such eagerness that I forgot to ask where the headmaster's office is .

" MILADY!!!!"

" Robin!!!!! You're back ." He disappeared on the way to the common room, claiming he had something to take care of .

"Yes!! I only went to your room after all . I have hidden the scones you gave me in a secret place !"

"You hid it instead of eating it ??"

"Heh ,heh . I'll be sure to enjoy my scone at my leisure later on . "

I'm so glad Robin is here with me .

" Are you alone at the moment, milady ?"

"Yep , I'm going to the headmaster's office to ask him how to get back to our world."

"Really ?! Then at last , you've chosen to climb that night tower ."

"What tower ?"

"Hm? , That's where the headmaster's office is ."

"You know about this ?"

"Yes , i happened upon it while you were away ."

"Nice work Robin ...... Will you go with me ?"


I feel as I can do anything as long as i have Robin . Picturing what etheral face might lie under the headmaster's hood .

To be continued

Date - 29/10/2023
Words - 997


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