Debutante pt.2

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Next morning

Your pov

Something warm is touching my face . I blink realising it's a tiny tongue lapping against my cheek .

"Good morning, milady! "
"Am I having deja vu ? "
"You must come and see ! You've received ever so many presents !" Robin said in excited tone.
"Oh , cool . So it's one of those dreams ." I said .
"This is not a dream! Please get up and come see for yourself!"

I'm already sitting up , so all I need to do is turn my head .
The area around my bed is littered with gifts . I stare

"The S Rank students came one by one first thing this morning to deliver them ! " Robin said .
"They what ? Why would they do that ? "
Wondering idly if I hit my head at some points, I reach for the nearest box .
"Goodness! What a beautiful dress ! " Robin said flying across the room .
"No kidding. It's so pretty"

It's the sort of dress that would make the wearer feel more confident

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It's the sort of dress that would make the wearer feel more confident.

"I imagine it was sent so that you could wear it to today's ball and in such vibrant red , it's from none other than Guy Avari"
His intense red eyes , devoid of warmth revisit my mind.

Did he choose this lovely dress himself?
" Let's open them all ? This one is from Roy Invidia . A shimmering pink , I see . It would look very fetching on you , Milady ."

The guy who teaches Intro to magic went out of his way to give this to me ?

The guy who teaches Intro to magic went out of his way to give this to me ?

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The dress gives off an air of opulence and Grace .

"Next , we have one from Fenn Luxure . Oh my goodness! There , er , isn't a lot of cloth here ............. "
"True , almost the entire back half is missing " I said .

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