The Eccentric Prince pt.2

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Your pov

" Late ? I am sure I cannot speak for everyone. But I should think most retire at about two or three in the morning" Tino said . Yikes . My complexion would be a mess if I tried a lifestyle like that .
"When do u sleep ,Y/n ? " Lynt asked.
" Eleven or so at night is average, I think" I said .

"Gosh "

" Quite early to bed then ".

There are a lot of things about my world that would surprise the citizens of this one , I think .

" Must be rough going , studying up right up until bedtime, then . If u find you're having trouble, you can talk to me " lynt said with a small smile .
That's sweet of him. "Thank u" "Mm-mm"

"What a splendid display of consideration, Master !!!! Now then , let's get another bite of steak in you . We shall strive for three moree!! " Tino said to lynt .

"I don't want any "

"Young master lynt"


"Prince lynt" oh no . Now what's happening?! I'd been enjoying this moment of peace so much that I'm now shoked to find we're surrounded by girls . Everyone of them has their lips pressed into a tense line .

"Yes? " Why they look so nervous?
I recall, with some alarm, the murderous look I got from Roy's fan club in intro to magic. Sitting with lynt may have been another breach of protocol on my part .
Maybe chatting up S rank students just isn't done around here .

" May I ask you a question , Your highness? "

"Sure? "
If I've done anything to offend, I'll gladly apologize and take my leave but-------

" It's regarding the ball that the headmaster is hosting tomorrow."

"Oh that "
The headmaster? Eureka !! Finally, I have a lead !!!!!

" Will you be attending? "

He blinks wordlessly at the other students, and then his head listlessly tilts to one side .

"Soooooo cuteee" the girls squirrels.

Honestly,I'm tempted to say the same thing . Roy seems to have the sort of idol worship one would expect of a prince, but this is different. Lynt inspires an odd instinct to Nature . I totally get it .

I might have to go to this Ball , too , if it means , I'll get to talk to the headmaster.

" Want to go with me , Y/n ? "

"Really? "

"Gracious me !"

"Aren't you going to the ball ? "

"Um, is the headmaster going to be there ?"

"The headmaster? I don't know . I hear he rarely ever make an appearance."
Hosting but not attending, huh !.
Truth be told, I'd like to use the dance as a way to investigate how to get back to my own world .

" Well , while I appreciate th invitation-------" I started to say but someone cut off my words.
"Oh my wordddddd..... By the Stars above ! "
"Un tino?! Are u okay there ? " I asked
"Young master lynt is growing up! " With the sudden hysterical shout , he shoots to his feet . That's concerning, but okay .

" Young Master Lynt has chosen to court a lady of his own volition. Oh ,happy day ! This is an unprecedented occasion. We must celebrate!!!! " Tino said .
"I mean , I don't know if we have to go that far.......? " I said in confusion.

"So Y/n ? Will you ? "

"Again , I............. " I'm not exactly the waltzing in a ballgown type , if that's what this is about .

In mean time , Tino is tearfully pleading for me to say yes . The gaggle of schoolgirls around me look flabbergasted.

"Am I not good enough to escort you ? " Lynt asked .

"What ?! "

"SO CUTE " the group of schoolgirls scremed .
Yes , he really is . It's almost painful.
I'm under increasing pressure from our audience not make lynt sad .

"Y/n ? "

"I........I would be delighted to accompany you "

"Okay..... That's nice "
I caved 🕴️

3rd person pov

" I can hardly believe it ! Prince lynt is attending the ball ! "

"Oh??" Toa passes on his way back to the dorms , his attention snared by a loud conversation . Slipping into the shadows of a nearby column , he perks up his ears.

"How can that be?! He's never gone to any before! "

"It's true ! I witnessed it with my own eyes ! He asked the transfer student to be his companion. His valet Tino turned into fountain of tears!! "

"I'm so jealous ! I want prince lynt to be my escort, too !"

"Who is the transfer student anyway ? "

"I think she's from Avari . Her eyes are red enough for it , at least "

"Perhaps she's some sort of noblewoman , since prince lynt is trying to make a match....."

"So lynt is taking her to the ball................ " Toa said in a whisper .

To be continued

I am sorry guys for not updating cuz I was busy with my school since it's was open now that it's closed again because of new vires I will be updating 🌝.

Any ways stay safe you allll ✌🏻

Date- 13/ 01 / 2022
Words - 806

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