The Royal academy of Concordia pt.2

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Your pov

" I will brook no questions , and neither will I repeat myself , Ever." Toa said . "I understand" he comes across as prickly but somehow kind underneath it all. "The Royal Academy of Concordia has two dorms . One is called Tradis , the other Nivalis . We have descended from the third floor to the fourth both belonging to Tradis. These are normally off limits for all but students of S rank and their valets ".  " What is the rank business, if I may ask ?" I asked him . " I believe I told you I would not be answering questions" he told. "Oh ,so you did . My apologies " .
"At this academy, students are divided by rank according to their magical aptitude" he answered me anyways. "Those capable of harnessing Ancient magic or who are otherwise notably gifted, are assigned S rank . Those incapacitated of elevating themselves above C rank are sometimes asked to leave the academy" he said . " This is a cruel world you live in " I said to him .
"Naturally, one wayward jinx could spell the end of the world." Oh! Well then , forget I said something. As we step down another staircase, people I assume are students appear hear and there. Is it just me , or am I being watched ? " The second floor houses are A rank and female students. A room will have been prepared for you as well , I believe". He said . "Oh , that makes sense . I come through here earlier" .   " I have no desire to converse with you . Keep your mundane commentary to yourself" Aye , Aye , sir . "Answer me ".  " Er , understood. I think " does he want me to talk or not ? What a complicated individual. "The first floor is home to boys of B rank , as well as an extensive public bath . Furthermore, there's a lounge available to those A rank and below " hm? Hang on , something smells amazing. "Must you gawp and Marvel at every little thing? It's rather disconcerting" he said . "Do you smell that ? Whatever it is , it smells great , and I've just remembered I'm starving" . " The refectory is this way ". He really is a good guide . I'll give him that. It's like I thought on the second floor people are watching me .

"The concludes my tour " he said to me . "And what a wonderful tour it was . I can finally tell my left from my right again. Thank you . I may not fully understand how magic works yet , but I applied your attempt to explain it ."  

"You would thank someone despite gaining nothing? No one likes a mountebank. "

"Hahaha , good work . It's not meant to be deceptive, thanking people hurts no one " .

" What an odd thing to say . If you need anything else, ask him " . Mid sentence, he grabs the arm of a passer-by. " Hm? Oh , Toa! Have you already eaten ? "
"Why would I ever dine here? I'm going to the S rank dinning hall."

"Haha, of course you are ."

" Here , the transfer student. She's yours now , Voleri " .

"Egad ! All mine ?!"
I like how he didn't even mention my name !
" Right , than! Let's get you fed and watered , shall we ?" 
"At t the refectory,. You can eat whatever you like and as much as you like ".
"Would you mind if we introduced ourselves to each other first ?" I asked him . "Goodness , but of course" "I am Y/n . And yourself? " " I am Rio Voleri, B rank . Excellent to meet you ". He smiles so brightly at me I feel as if I could absolve him of any crime. My nerves start to settle .

"Nice to meet you " I said

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"Nice to meet you " I said . "Good , that's the introduction out of the way . Let's decide what to eat . Everything here is equally appetizing. Why not get some of everything?" He asked . "That sound great , but.......... Maybe I should work up to that level" I said. "Really ? There's no need to hold back . Eating properly is very important , you know " . He's very friendly, whoever he is . "So ,. Master Rio........" "Just Rio is fine . I plan to call you Y/n as well " he said smiling. "Rio , then . Do you know if they have any milk in this dinning hall?" I asked. "Milk? Are you fond of the stuff ? "
"It's not for me but for my cat "
"Oh , a feline lover . I'm partial to them ,too . Darling little things . I'm sure the kitchen would be happy to Obligs . Shall we go and put a word in first?"
"Would to that be okay ? It would really help me out ."
"First your cat shall dine and then so shall we . I'll provide an explanation of the academy while we eat , let's be off " .
"Okay ! Thank you ! "
"Food is one of life's greatest delights, I say , haha"
"Wow , you have quite an appetite. Where'd that gaint salad you had go ?"
"Hmm ? Why , I ate it "
All to soon , the meals comes to an end .

To be continued

Date - 02/09/2021
Words- 818

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