Captor's Smile

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Your pov

"Whatever is the point in looking miserable when there's no one around to witness it , my dear ?"

"Who's there ?!"
I jump in shock and tilt my head back to see who's talking.

Instead, what I see are a rather fantastic pair of breasts . Moving up from the valley between them , I admire the owner's collarbone , throat and dainty chin .
What a bombshell

"Goodness, but wide-eyed surprise is a pretty look on you " "And u might be

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"Goodness, but wide-eyed surprise is a pretty look on you "
"And u might be...............?"
"Hehe , nevermind that . Forgive me for interrupting your moonbathing , but I must ask you a question" she asked .
"What can I do for you ?" I said .
"Have you seen Fenn?"
Fenn ? Oh right. I remember him .
An impossible beautiful face floats into the back of my mind . I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon.

"No , I'm afraid I haven't seen him "
" Ahh , thank you all the same "
Her glossy hair swishes as she turns her back to me , but no sooner has she walked a few steps than pauses to add one final comment .

"That truly is a remarkable gown , by the way ."
"Really? I mean , thank you. Very much "
She leaves me with a beguiling smile and vanishes into the shadows, beyond the moonlight's reach .

Being attractive seems like a popular pastime around here . She was looking for Fenn , though. Is she his girlfriend? Is that a thing in this world ?!

"At last , I am saved . "
"What the?! Fenn ?! "
My heart nearly leaps from my chest . That voice came from directly overhead . Half in disbelief, I search above me for the speaker .
"Holy ! Don't scare a person like ! "
"So we meet again. How gratifying"

A pair of violet eyes peers down at me , belonging to none other than that man that beauty from earlier was looking for .

"Fenn , I --------------Mmrph "
He gently presses a finger to my lips .
"Shh, we mustn't be heard. All right? "
This is far too crazy! I barely even know his name !
I nod in understanding and he pulls away . My relief is short lived , however, as he rests his hands on the back of the bench I'm sitting on . With me caught in a parody of an embrace, Fenn winks at me .

"How nice to finally have a moment alone together"
"Somebody was looking for you earlier. Somebody gorgeous" I said.
"I know , which is why I was in hiding. Do you loathe my company that much ? "
Not at all , but he's such a flirt that it's hard to keep my wits about him .

"No , but I think you and the concept of personal space should get better acquainted" I said to him .
"Ah , so u do like me "
What kind of selective hearing .....
Fenn eyes twinkle above his handsome smile , casting downward to take in my dress .
"I see you've chosen not to wear my gift "
"Oh , right"
"I thought you would like it . It seemed very easy to slip on and off . This dress however...........well , I suppose there is a bit of thrill to it , isn't there ? And who has earned your token this evening? Whose colour did you choosed? " Fenn asked .

"You make it sound like what I've chosen represents some deeper allegiance " I said .
I watch as he trails the back of his hand over the lace by my neck . He wears an assessing gaze , but I can't tell if it's more directed at the dress or at me . His fingertips walk upward , caressing my neck .

"That's quite enough " I said .
"I do wish you would understand. You are but a baby bird here . You must be careful about whom you choose to ally yourself with " Fenn said .
"And what exactly does that mean in terms of this dress ?"
"That whoever gave it to you is quite taken with you . They want you for their own , enough so to lavish you with  finery" .
Fenn twirls a lock that's come loose from my undo between his fingers .

"You gave me a dress as well "
"Indeed I did . This one has you on a pedestal, whoever he is . Perhaps he sees you as unconquerable. That would by why he's elected to put you in purest white . "
"That's a bit presumptuous! Not that it's anybody's business, thank you "
"Haha, I love that spark of yours , that willful fire . It's very fetching ."
"Then you'll know enough to watch your manners around me . I'm not sure you're teasing or if you're serious, but I'm not interested in games . " .
I've had quite enough of his behaviour, so I shove him away .

"Oh , dear . I took the joke too far . I understand. I promise to be a better companion from here on "
"Yes , well , I'm going back to the ballroom! Alone . "
Toa left me here for privacy, but I've already been found by two people. Deciding I'll be safer in a crowd , I go to stand .

⚠️Little bit of lemon ahead  ⚠️

"Stay , please "
"This really isn't how people go about things, you know . "
His sultry voice drifts in to my mind enticing. I sense there's more to it , but am intrigued nonetheless. Somewhat mollified  , I sit back down to hear him out .

"Excellent, I do hope we can start again, and on a better foot this time "
He pats the spot next to us , aligning the solid warmth of his thigh against mine .
"Now then  , shall we make up with a hug? " His eyes glitter with mirth and I can hear a chuckle in his voice. The rich , almost floral scent of his skin makes my head spin .

"There we are . Here's to a new and improved connection between us , hm?"
I tenatively wrap my arms around his shoulders , patting his back , but his embrace feels so good that I climb onto his lap , seeking more . Were anyone to walk in on us right now , they'd think we are a couple entwined. It would probably look like we're making out .

What am I thinking..........? I shouldn't be so taken in by a pretty face , magical prince or not . 

" I'm quite serious when I say you are everything I could ever want . You suit my tastes so well "
He buries his face in the column of my neck . My breath hitches as his lips brush my throat .
Heat blooms from his touch. My hands move up to trace the silly contours of his braid . I sigh in pleasure in spite of myself, wanting to be closer .

"Wouldn't it be delightful to remove this dress and dash the expectations of the man that gave it to you? "
He plucks idly at the ribbon on the front of the gown , gauging my reaction. Turned on by the intensity of his gaze , I nod . Suddenly ,I want nothing more than to take it off .

"What do you say ? Shall we make love right here under the moonlight? " He tilts his head down , and when I bare my neck and more to him , he trails kisses over my collarbone. I let out a heated moan in response.
"I always thought it was unfair , you know  , having Guy be the only one to taste your lips . You and I both know kissing me would be so much better . Let me erase what he has done ."

Part of me is aware that this is not the place for it , but I'm too swept up in the moment to care . All that matters to me anymore are the amethyst jewels that are Fenn's eyes .

"I will show you tenderness the likes of which you have never known . You are safe with me " He nips at my earlobe , the desirous rasp of his voice rippling through my whole body . That earns me another low chuckle . I go to close the distance, only for something to register in the corner of my eyes .

⚠️ Lemon ended ⚠️

" Whoa ! What the ?! Look !"
A fierce gale whips up , the sound of it deafening if not for the obliterating roar that follows. My stomach plummets something vast and terrible swoops down from the sky , descending at a terrifying rate .
What the hell is that ?

I realise, by the red light of the moon , that I 'm seeing wings . The creature's trunk is an impenetrable fortress of steely blue run through with rust .

"What in devildom is a dragon doing here ? "
Before I can fully process what he said .......... The apparent dragon spreads its wings once more and rushes furiously towards us .

To be continued

I know this chapter is a bit long 🌝but I hope u enjoyed it and see u soon 🏃💨

Vote the chapter 😗

Date - 15/03/2022
Words - 1439

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