An Astonishing Truth

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Your pov

"All will be well , Milady . I am with you ." Robin said while comforting me .

"You're right , Robin . We can do this "

I knock tentatively on the door.

"Okay , let's do this."

I carefully push the door open and stop in the room . The first thing I see is the desk in the back . Unoccupied. My line of sight then lands on a wooden perch next to it ..... And there sits an astoundingly beautiful bird .

Its breathtaking

" It would seem the headmaster is not here" Robin said .

"Did he leave already?" I asked Robin .

"Not only is lou quite busy but he rarely appears before students"

Did that bird just talked? Wait , why does that suprise me when Robin is right here ?

This is the voice that gave me permission to enter .

"Are you the headmaster's familiar by Any chance ?" Robin asked the beautiful bird .

"Quite right . My name is Nix . Tell me who are you ?"

"Oh , right !! I'm Y/n L/n"

"And I am Robin , milady Y/n's familiar !!"

"Y/n and Robin , is it ?"

"Um, there is something we absolutely must ask the headmaster, will you please tell us where he is ?" I asked the beautiful bird Nix.

"Y/n L/n , i have heard this name before ".

"You have .......?"

Nix's pure white beak juts upward , drawing my line of sight . He swings his head almost imperceptibly and the ceiling splits without a sound . A spiral staircase lowers .

"Lou , you have visitors"

With an elegant flap of his wings , Nix vanishes up the stairs .

"Thank you , nix " A voice came from up the ceiling.

"It's you......" I recognised the voice .

"Long have I awaited your arrival , Miss Y/n , be welcome ."

So he was here after all!!!

" Ready , milady ?"

Robin and i ascent the stairs , eventually coming upon .... A place of ethreal beauty. One wall is taken upentirely by a book case crammed with thick tomes . Above us , a ceiling the color of the night sky twinkles with endless stars .

It's like we are in a planetarium .

" Welcome , miss Y/n."

I drag my attention from the ceiling with a start . At my side , there  stands a man m he strokes Nix's beautiful feathers as the bird hovers low at his side .

"By all means , take a seat ."

"Thank you "

My voice is high and anxious as I sit , pulling Robin firmly onto my lap .

The headmaster's gentle chiding accompanies a stalwort flap of Nix's wings . The instant the window is open , the bird is whisked away on a blustering wind .

"Hammmm..." I close my eyes against the force of the wind and when I open them again......

"The wind is rather powerful today , isn't it ?"

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