Perfect Date pt.2

58 3 0

Your pov

"Let us be off , then . I shall take you to a coffeehouse. I'm rather fond of . " Roy said .

The coffeehouse Roy escorts me to is a far cry from what I was expecting.

I thought this place would scream "Royalty hangs out here " ! But no........
This shop has a cozy atmosphere. It warm and familiar, like stepping into an old friend's home .

We're escorted to a window seat , where Roy gallantly holds my chair out for me .

"The scones here are unrivaled. Would you care to try one ?" Roy suggested.

"I'd love to ,if you're recommending them ". I said with a smile .

"Marvelous, then allow me to place our order". All it takes is a glance from him . The staff person waiting in the wings hurries over , red -faced .

"P-Prince Roy ! Thank you for your patronage, as always. " The staff said .

"Why, the pleasure is all mine ".

"Oh no , you're so attractive. I mean sorry ! M-May i take your order ?"

"Two scones with your finest red tea ".

The waitress reluctantly disappears into the back .

"Yesterday was rather eventful, was it not ? I can't tell you how happy I am that you weren't hurt ?" Roy said with worry lacing in his voice .

" So am I . If Fenn and Toa hadn't fought as hard as they did , i don't know what would've happened. " I said .

"Ah , yes . I heard. It vexes me somewhat not to have been there by your side ! " .

I am beginning to suspect persuasive flirting comes second nature to him .

" I gather you're a talented magic user as well . Can you do the sorts of things Toa and the others can ? " I changed the subject.

"If by this you mean can I use offensive magic, then I would have answer yes ." Roy said .

It's hard to picture him hurting anything.

I venture to ask a question that's been on my mind since last night.

"So  , about my aptitude for ancient magic............." I started saying but got interrupted by staff .

" T-Thank you for waiting! Here are your scones and Tea . "

"------- or not "

"Thank you very much " Roy said to the staff .

"You're so gorgeous.......... I mean you're welcome! Enjoy! Feel free to stay as long as you wish! Forever would be fine ! "

"Hahah , i appreciate the sentiment. Your establishment is of great comfort to spend time in "

"I............. Oh.......Thank you so much!!!!!!"

This is a cute place. Unique staff they have here .

" Now then , my dear , shall we tuck in ? " Roy asked .

I eye the delicious - looking scone in front of me .

I'll leave my questions on ancient magic for later , i suppose.

"Bon appetite"

I split my scone in half , slather it in clotted cream and jam , then pop it in my mouth.

"How is this so good ?" I said .

"Isn't it , though? I wager these scones are the best in all the world ." Roy said with a charming smile .

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