Perfect date

132 4 0

Your pov

The shop is as popular as Roy said it would be : it's full of customers . Most of them are women, and they immediately notice our arrival

Talk about a sea of stares

It would sum Roy's fan club extends beyond the academy.

"There are rather a lot of people in here , so please take care not to venture too far from me " Roy said .
He doesn't even care that people are salivating over him , oh well.

I guess he must be used to people looking at him like he's a tree they're ready to climb.

" What manner of clothing are you fond of , Y/n ? " Roy asked.
"I'm starting to rethink it , honestly, i owned far too many boring pieces of clothing in my world. "

"I see , perhaps something eye-catching but too audacious, then ? "

"That would be ideal, yeah "

"Then..... What of this particular item?"

 What of this particular item?"

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"That's awesome " i said .

"Glad to hear it and if you were to wear this dress , then...... May I suggest these boots ? No doubt some of the jewelry on the shelves would provide the finishing touch. And perhaps this hair ribbon with the feathers on it ?" He said choosing this and that .

He chooses with such effortless certainly that i am kind of jealous  .

"If you ever stop being a prince, you could make a solid living choosing clothes for people " I said with a laugh.

"Haha , am i to gather my selection have met with your approved?"

"Very much so . You nailed it "

"Then allow me to gift them to you "

"Wait , what ? "


" I , , i couldn't possibly ask you to do that ."

"There is no need for modesty. I wish to make a present of them . I understand the clothing you wore to class the other day , plus the ones you are wearing now , have all been provided by the school. It will not do to have you always in the same attire, Y/n . " Roy said .

"Hey look ! That dress prince Roy is holding is the most expensive one in the shop ! "

It's what ?

" Stars above! That's the one everyone been admiring but none can afford. I should've realised it would end up in the hands of royalty."
"I'm jealous of whoever that is  , imagine getting a prince to buy you fancy dresses like that ."

I hastily snatch the dress and boots out of Roy's hands and put them back where we found them.

"Miss Y/n "?
"Let's get out of here! "

One hand at his back and another at his arm , i herd him out of the shop as fast as I can .

"Whatever has come over you ?" Roy asked .

Once we're far enough away, i come to a stop and let go of Roy .

"Are you perhaps still feeling under the weather? If so , you have my  sincerest apology, i should not have encouraged you to come ." Roy said apologetically.

"No , it's not that . You were about to seriously buy that dress for me "

"Why , yes . I would have had Grayson send it back to the academy for us "

I'm not concerned about having to carry it !

I need to take deep breath before I lose it . Rich people are on a whole other level.

"First of all , i appreciate that you were trying to do something nice for me . It was really sweet . But i can't go around accepting gifts from you just because ------------- " i was speaking but Roy cut me off .

"You wish for a reason? My reason was only that i wished to make you happy "

"You already have, though. Just bringing me to a town I've never been to was enough"

"........But how can that be ? "

"Honestly, I'm so overwhelmed right now . There's so much i haven't been able to process yet . If somebody asked me to go to class today, I'd fall apart. Yesterday's ball alone was so eventful that i----------------------------- oh my god ! That dress ! "

"Pardon " Roy trying to process what I have just said in one breath.

"I forgot to thank you for the gown you sent me for the ball . In the end , I went with the one the headmaster sent , but your choice was truly beautiful and I hope I get the chance to wear it at some point -------------"


"Hahha , my apology, you amuse me . "
"I....... What did i just said that was funny ?"

"You were so vehement in you attempt to explain. I appreciate your bright personality, you drool . "

Roy glides forward a step and gently grasps my hand .
How..........How is he so charming all the time ?

" At very least, i should like to be allowed to take you to tea . Will you permit me this ?"

"Sure ...... I would lik le that , thank you . But to be honest, i don't have any money from this world. Awkward right ?"

"Hahahah , i would never dream of asking a lady to pay . Especially on a date of my own design. "

Wait , what ? Since when is this a date ?

To be continued

Sorry  i am uploading chapters very slowly slowly , i will try to upload it as soon as possible , till then bye and care of your self guys .

Date - 10/7/2022
Words - 873


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