The Eccentric Prince

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Your Pov

I never realised how heavy swords were . After my lecture on magic , I move on the History psychomancy , and finally swordsmanship . Rio and I have gone our separate ways for now , so fatigue is my only companion back to the dorms
" According to the schedule Rio gave me , I have more lectures after supper " . Just what unholy hour do they study until in this world. I did try bringing this up with professor Hawke , who is teaching us swordsmanship.


"Hmm ? You want to talk to the headmaster? " Professor Hawke said.

" yes . I have some questions for him" .

"Right you are . I'll pass that along if I happen to spot him ".

" I don't suppose now is a good time?"

"You never know with him , to be honest. But by all means, try and catch him on your own . It'd be nice if you could, wouldn't it ?"

Well , yes . That would by why I'm asking professor.

Flashback end

The headmaster said my existence here would shake their World to its foundation. This is why I hesitate to ask Rio and those other guys about how to get home after here  .

"Oh well . For the time being, I'll go track down some food for Robin" . My brief respite with Robin ends in the building of an eye , and then I have to go back to the refectory for my own support.
"It's crowded in here . There's barely anywhere to sit . Ah-ha ! There's Lynt . He's the only one at his table, and he seems to be lethargically picking at a piece of bread. Thinking this a lucky turn of events, I approach him . " Hullo , Y/n ."
"Hi , there . I haven't seen you since this afternoon. Is the seat across from you taken?" I asked him . He invite me to sit with a vague wave of his hand , which is encouraging. Lastly , food .
I put my hands together and bow my head in thanks before picking up my food . "What was that just now ?" Lynt asked  . "Sorry? "
"You put your palms together?"

"Oh , that . It's a thing we do before meals in the country i'm from "

"How curious . So you do more than say 'bon appetite' ".

Do they say 'bon appetite' here , too? If anything I find that mysterious.

"Apologies for interrupting . Sup as you like ". Lynt said.

"You sure ? Okay then ."

I've chosen something that resembles a creamy stew . I start with stew. Okay , this is both innocuous and delicious. Thank goodness for small favours .
"Do you like it ?" Lynt asked.
"Yes , very much."
Wow , what a smile. It's the facial expression equivalent of a warm hug . Lynt reminds me a bit of a puppy or maybe kitten . He was adorable earlier when he wrapped himself up in his cloak and went to sleep,too .

" Wait a second." I said as I remembered something.

"Yes? "

"It's just...... You were up on the fourth floor, so you must be an S rank ?"

"Mmm mm"

"I Heard S rank students take their meals in a special dining hall".

"True "

"Wouldn't you rather be up there , then? "

"It's cold"
I am surprised they'd have defective air conditioning in a place for fancy people.

"Young master Lynt is not fond of cold climes ". 

"Umm, hello......? " A mild -mannered gentleman carrying a tray sits down next to Lynt and who might this be ?

"I can't sleep when I'm cold " Lynt said.

"There are more people in the refectory, which makes it warmer . Young master Lynt is partial to post - repast naps , you see ."  Its because there are more people? It sounds as if he means 'warm' in more ways than one . Again  , though - who is this man ?

" This is my valet , Chino " Lynt said .

"Chino ?! "

" Pleasure to meet you , Chino . My  name is Y/n . "

"My , my , such manners . However , my name is not chino , but rather Tino ."

(Tino 👆🏻)

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(Tino 👆🏻)

"Oh . But then why would he....? " I asked him confused .

"Young master Lynt has referred to me as such since his childhood and refuses to take corrective on the matter . Hahah." He said .

"You are chino . End of the story" .Lynt said

"Oh , young master Lynt ....... I notice you have elected to eat nothing but bread once again ".

I was wondering about that , my self .

"One must obtain proper nutrition through a balanced diet, you know . Come now . Let us get something more substantial in you " his valet Said . So it's not that he doesn't have an appetite, it's that he can't be bothered .

"I have brought you a steak of the highest quality from the S rank dining hall."
Oh hello . That looks delicious.

"Hmph." He has no interest whatsoever .

"Now , now . You must eat properly."
Chino - er - Tino - stabs a fork into a juicy piece of steak and holds it out to Lynt . I assume he's going to take the fork but he simply opens his mouth . Is........ Is Lynt secretly five years old?

" Fiddlesticks! Forgive me , Master ! I shall wipe it off at once . Please stay as you are ".

"Mm -mmn ." Am I witnessing a father tending to his overgrown infant son!? I can't help laughing .

"Alas ! We have become laughing stocks ! Please, I beg of you - eat on your own ." Tino said .

"I have bread "

"Young master Lynt "

One thing is clear from this exchange. These two trust each other implicitly .

"Hahaha ! Don't me . Honestly, just eat in whatever manner works for you ."

"I , er ..... Thank you ".

"Y/n barely touched her food . " Lynt said.

"Oh , dear , right you are . Evening lectures will begin soon , so you may wish to hurry somewhat ." I power through my stew at their suggestion , but that doesn't stop me from asking questions.

"Exactly what time do classes continue to in this academy?" I asked them .

"Normally they begin at noon and continue on , depending, until about ten at night ". Tino said .

"Ten O'clock ?! As in , two hours from midnight? " .

"Is that so astonishing ?" Lynt asked.

"Well , where I'm from classes start at nine in the morning and finish before dinner". I said .

"How very exotic ". Tino said.

"If classes finished in the early evening I could get so much more sleep in " . Lynt said.

"I assume people go to  bed late in this world , then ?"

To be continued

Date - 20/09/2021
Words - 1050

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