Chapter 2

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After school, Ashley walked home with Lily. Lily bade her goodbye when they reached her porch. She lived three houses away from her. Ashley bade her back and entered her house. Her mom wasn't back home yet. Around 6pm, late in the evening, her mom came home."Mom, where have you been? You got me worried." Ashley said as soon as her mom walked in."I'm so sorry dear. I had some urgent work to finish up today so I stayed back till 5:30." Her mom said but she didn't reply."Have you eaten dinner yet?" Her mom asked her again."Nope." Was the reply as she shook her head, then she entered the kitchen and came back out with a bottle of water and handed it over to her mom."Here."Her mom took it and drank half the water in the bottle."Thanks dear." She said and Ashley nodded her head."How'bout I go prepare dinner let's eat?" Her mom said."No problem. I'll be right here." Ashley said nand sat down.After dinner, Lilianna called Ashley out of her room. She came out and sat with her."Ashley, I need to tell you something." Her mom started and at that moment she knew a bombshell was about to be dropped."Go on." Ashley said with crossed fingers."Ashley," her mom took a long pause. "We're moving."It took quite some time before she could process what her mom said."What?" She started. "How? When? Where? Why?" The last word came out as a cry."Calm down dear.""But mom, why?""Job reasons.""I don't understand. Were you fired? Was it why it took you so long to come back today? Ashley kept on talking."I'll explain everything." Then her mom told her how she got transferred."To which city?"Her mom took some time before she spoke. "Los Angeles.""But mom, it's too far." She said in between sniffles."Don't worry dear. You'll make new friends." Her mom said and went to sit next to her. Then she hugged her."But what about Lily mom?""Don't worry about her. You have a phone don't guys can make contact."Ashley didn't talk."Ashley don't you understand. Don't make this harder than it already is. If I refuse, I lose my job, house, car. You know none of this is ours. Life has been hard and you know it. I know it's hard on you but it's harder on me. Please dear." Her mom said."Ok fine." Ashley said."Thanks dear." Her mom said."Anything else you want to add?" She asked."Yes....we leave in the next two weeks." Her mom told her.Ashley pulled away from her mom. "Okay. "That's enough time. Thanks."Ashley stood up. "I'll be in my room." She said and went towards her room.The next day in school, Ashley told Lily everything and she didn't seem very happy about it.

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