Chapter 19

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Ashley and Valerie entered the dining room. It was equally as beautiful as the living room. Val's mum was already seated with Ava and Owen on the table. Their food had been dished but they hadn't touched it.

"About time you two showed up." Valerie's mom-Leah- said when she saw them.

"Sorry. We were talking about the project." Valerie apologized.

"Good day Mrs Whitlock." Ashley greeted.

"How are you dear?" Leah asked. She was giving Ashley a scrutinizing look.

"I'm fine." Ashley replied somewhat uncomfortable with the look she was getting from her.

"C'mon Ashley, let's sit down." Valerie said.

They sat down next to Owen and the maid dished out their food for them. As they ate, Valerie's mom threw a question.

"So Valerie, how's the project coming up?"

"Pretty good actually. Ashley is a really good partner." Valerie said to Ashley's surprise which made her choke. Leah looked at her.

"Sorry. Excuse me." Ashley said quickly and picked up a glass of water to drink.

"Like I was saying," Valerie continued." She brought up brilliant ideas."

"That's nice, not only the common hair colour and blue eyes, you have a common brain. Her mother said. " At least she's better than those friends you bring over all the time." Leah added in a mock tone.

"Mom." Valerie groaned. "Stop it. You know they're my besties."

"Whatever." Her mom said rolling her eyes.

Valerie didn't say a word after that. Everyone ate their lunch quietly except Ava and Owen who kept bickering at every little thing.

After lunch, Valerie and Ashley went back to Val's roon. Valerie hadn't said anything to her yet.

"I'm sorry about what your mom said." Ashley said biting her lip.


"You know, about Meg and Sam."

Valerie exhaled. "Never mind that. My mom can be mean sometimes."

"Ok. It's 1pm already." Ashley said looking at the time on her cell phone. "My mom said I should be home by 4, can we go get the papers so that we can go soak them."

"Ok let's go." Valerie said.

The storeroom was on the 1st floor. When Ashley pushed the door open it was dark.

"Why is it so dark in here?"

"Hold on, I'll get the lights." Valerie said.

Valerie pressed a switch and the lights came on. The storeroom was small but it contained a lot of things. The stuffs were put inside cardboard boxes. Ashley rubbed her fingertips on a box.

"Yeesh. Here sure is dusty." Ashley said.

"This isn't the main storeroom. This room is just for keeping unwanted stuff. The main storeroom is downstairs." Valerie said.

"Oh-k." Ashley said unsure whether to reply.

"But you like and admire ugly things don't you? Isn't this good enough for you?". Valerie asked sarcastically with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Can we start looking for the old papers now?" Ashley asked.

" Don't worry. I know where they are kept. " Valerie said. She started moving into the room and went to a corner, there were boxes stacked up.

"Come help me with this." Valerie said.

Ashley moved forward and they started checking the boxes one by one. They found old newspapers soon so, Valerie started gathering them back up. Ashley looked to her left to see a medium sized box. There was a label on it. 'DO NOT TOUCH'  

"What's that Valerie." She asked pointing towards the box.

"Oh, it's a box our dad left here. He says no one should touch it."

"Weird." Ashley thought. She wanted to know what was in it.

"Now," Valerie said handing her the cardboard box filled with papers. "Carry this let's go."

Ashley took it but then said, "Why do I have to carry it?"

"Shut up and let's leave here."
Valerie commanded and started heading towards the door.

Ashley just sighed and followed her behind with the box. "Time to soak the papers huh."

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