Chapter 20

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Lilianna was in her office and was thinking. She had just finished some work when a loud bang on the door startled her. She had been so deep in thought that she didn't hear the previous knock.

"Come in." She said.

The door opened and the same woman -Sarah- who had called Lili to Mr Hurley's office on the day of Mr Whitlock's arrival came in.

"Yes, what do you want?" Lilianna asked.

"Someone's here to see you."

Lili's heart skipped a beat. "And who is the person."

"Well....she didn't say who she was. She just told the receptionist down that she wanted to see you."

Lili calmed down when she heard the word she.

"Ok. Let her in."

"Yes ma'am." The woman said and left.

"Who could it be?" Lilianna thought.

Sometime later, the woman came back in with another woman who looked like she was in her thirties. After dropping her, Sarah left the office.

"Julie." Lilianna gasped. Her
mouth dropped.

" Oh Lili, I knew it was you." The woman said and moved forward to hug her. Lili stood up to hug her best friend. They had been besties ever since highschool and carried it on to college.

"How did you find me?" Lili asked.

"I knew it was you I saw in the grocery store that day.
Why were you running? I just couldn't understand."

"I'm sorry. But please I'm not safe here Julie neither is my daughter."

"You have to tell me everything Lili, it's been 15 years. What happened?"

"I will. But first promise me you won't tell anyone about my whereabouts."

"Wait why?" Julie asked confused.

"No one can know I'm in LA. Please Julie, I'll tell you everything." Lilianna begged desperately.

"Ok. I won't say a word."

"Thank you." Lilianna exhaled.
"Now tell me what happened."
"Ok. It all happened 15 years ago. When.........."

"Ashley I'm home." Lilianna called out.

"In a minute mom."Ashley shouted from upstairs.

Lilianna went into the kitchen and dropped her bag on the table. She opened the fridge and brought out a bottle of water and gulped it down.
Ashley came down. "Hey mom."

"There you are."

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing. How was school today?" Her mom asked.

"It was fine. My project is coming up great."

"What's the name of your project partner?" Her mom asked again.

"It's Valerie."

"Valerie," Lili said it in a way as if there was some kind of memory linked to it.
"Wasn't she the girl you told me said she would make life in school miserable?"

"Yeah, she is. Ashley said.

Lili chuckled softly. "Who knew your enemy would be your project partner.

"Life I guess." Ashley simply stated.

Sorry for the short chapter. Read and enjoy and don't forget to vote.


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