Chapter 13

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Hello readers, sorry I took so long to update. I was in school dats why. Pls enjoy dis new chapter nd drop ur votes nd comments.
It's been 3 days and the test results were finally out. People were more excited to know Ashley's and Valerie's result. They waited eagerly for lunch time. Once it was lunch time, people were waiting in the cafeteria for Valerie and Ashley. Valerie walked in boldly with her test result then sometime later, Ashley walked I'm with a straight face.
Megan was standing on one of the tables. "So I guess it's time for the result." She said.
"They should call out their scores. " A kid in their class shouted.
"Valerie come up first." Megan said.
With all boldness, Valerie stood on the table.
"98%." She said boldly head held high. Everyone began to murmur. They were thinking that there was no way Ashley could beat that score.
"Okay." Megan said. "Ashley your turn." Ashley took a deep breath and climbed up millions of thought going through her head.
"98%." Ashley said. Everyone was silent. How could both Val and Ash get the same score?
"So who won the bet?" Another kid shouted.
Immediately, Sarah jumped up and snatched Ashley's paper.
"Sarah." Ashley gasped.
Sarah looked at Ashley's test result then looked at Ashley herself. "Ashley, you got 98.5%. Why lie?"
Ashley didn't speak.
"Hold on." Megan said and took the paper from Sarah's hand. "98" she started slowly, "point 5 percent."
She passed me by half mark." Valerie said stunned.
"Give that back." Ashley said and took back her test result.
"Ashley, why would you lie." Sarah asked.
Ashley sighed. "Look, I never wanted any competition in the first place ok. I just wanted to write this test and walk away freely. But no,. Val here had to spice it up a little to prove she had brains. And just see where the brain landed." She said. "Look, everyone" she continued lowering her voice. "Please guys, Valerie here won this silly game. Please just forget this. Riley come on let's go." Ashley ended and jumped down from the table and left the cafeteria with Riley.
"That's was very noble what you did back there Ash. Riley said once they were in the school hallway.
"I don't really care about all this. I only care about one thing, and that's finding my father." Ashley said.
"Yeah. About that, we don't really have enough evidence thats he's alive you know." Riley said.
"I know." Ashley groaned. "But we can't just sit back and do nothing. We have to try find something. The something won't find us."
"I know Ash, but we have to think carefully and not rush into things." Riley cautioned.
"Ok ok. But first we still need to find the key to that lock."
"What lock?"
"Seriously." Ashley groaned. "The lock that locks that small box."
"Oh yeah, that lock. Thats your job dingus."
"How?" Ashley asked confused.
"You're asking me how. I thought you were smart." Riley said but when Ashley didn't respond she continued. "Do I live in your house. No right. You live in that house, you find day key."
"Yeah." Ashley said. "I'm sorry. Just that there are so many things on my head right now."
"How about on our way home we take a little turnaround to the park to get some ice cream or cotton candy?" Riley suggested. "Just to clear your mind."
"Yeah. I'd like that. Lily would also do that for me."

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