Chapter 14

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Someone knocked on d office door of Lilianna.
"Yes,come in." She said.
"Good afternoon. A message from Mr. Hurley." The woman said.
"Yes. What's that?"
"He said that there are some files that he gave you on the previous model, that you should get them to his office right away." She said.
"Ok. Anything else."
"He said a certain Mr Whitlock is coming to his office in about 10 minutes. He needs to show him those files."
Lili froze on hearing the name. "Ok thanks." She managed to say. The woman left the office.
"Oh no." She said. "I have to get this to him before he gets here."
She said searching for the files in a hurry. "God knows how long it took her to get here." She brought out the files and arranged them neatly. Then she started heading towards Mr Hurley's office. She was his personal assistant so his office was just a few doors away from hers.
She knocked on the door.
"Come in." He said
"Here are the files sir."
"Oh, thank you." He said.
"I'll take my leave then."
"Wouldn't you like to meet Mr Whitlock?" He asked.
"No. Maybe another time. Plus I don't know him." She said quickly.
"Ok. If you say so." He said and Lili exhaled
As she was about to leave through the door, someone opened it from behind making Lili bump into a hard chest.
"Mr Richard." Mr Hurley said. Lili muttered an apology and left in a hurry. But he had already seen her face even though it was bent down.

"Wow, I loved that ice cream flavor." Ashley said as she and Riley walked around in the park. Riley chuckled.
"I know right."
"Yeah, very. I don't think I've ever had this flavor in New York before."
"So you feeling better now?" Riley asked.
"Yeah. Let's go home then." Ashley replied.
"Follow me, I know a short cut back home." Riley said.
Ashley followed Riley as she followed a narrow route in the corner of the park. As they were walking, Ashley began to pluck flowers and feel the bark of trees. Suddenly, Ashley touched a tree and felt something.
"Riley come over here. Come and see this." Ashley called out.
"What's that?" She asked walking over to her.
"I don't know. There's something inscribed in this tree." Ashley replied, her palm still covering the inscription.
"Well, remove your palm let's check it out." Riley said excitedly.
"Hold on." Ashley said. I never knew lovers still inscribe their initials on trees.
"You may never know. It might be an old inscription." Riley said.
"Maybe." Ashley said.
"Oh keep quiet. This park has been here for many years." Riley said.
"Ok ok." Ashley said and then removed her palm. What was there shocked Ashley. It was d R&L inscription that they had seen on the box. It was the same thing. Downwards, under the inscription was a date"2005".
"Ashley." Riley said.
"My parents were here years ago." She said.

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