Chapter 12

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That Saturday, Lilianna had gone to a grocery store to get some supplies. She had gone with Ashley. Once they rounded of their shopping.  They went straight to the counter and joined the que. Ashley was holding the basket while her mom searched her bag to get her credit card. When she had gotten it, she looked to her right and saw a familiar face staring at her.
When it dawned on her who she was, she almost gasped out loud.
"Oh no. I gotta get outta here before she comes over." Lilianna thought. The woman started walking towards the line.
"Uhm Ashley." Her mom said.
"Yes mom." Ashley said and turned around to face her.
"Here." Her mom said pressing the credit card on her hand.
"Wait, mom..."
"Pay for it and meet me outside. I just remembered I have an important call." Her mom said and left before Ashley could say anything.
Ashley just shrugged, but then she saw a woman walking towards her mother's direction and even called her name.
"Who was that woman?" Ashley thought.
After paying for the groceries she went outside to where their car was parked. Her mom was inside. As they were driving home, Ashley asked her mom a question.
"Mom...who was that woman calling your name?"
"Which woman?" Her mom asked.
Nevermind." Ashley said and dropped the topic. She was sure her mom knew the woman. Well she didn't see her face to ask her.
At school, on the day of the test, Ashley was prepared. The news about the bet between Ashley and Valerie had gone round the whole class, thanks to Sarah. Even some kids outside the class knew about it.
Ashley came to school a little late that day. Kids were actually excited to see who would win. Valerie knew that if she lost this bet, her status in school would be done for.
They had further agreed that they would announce their results in the cafeteria. Every kid wanted to know who was the smartest among Valerie and Ashley.
Many said Valerie because she had always been a class topper, while others said not to undermine the new kid.
Soon the test started and Ashley gave the test her all, and so did Valerie.
After the test, everyone was free for the day. Valerie didn't even bother Ashley that day and thank goodness for that. The teacher said they would receive the results in two days or three.
At Ashley's house that same day, she told Riley what happened at the grocery store. Riley shrugged this one off.
"Maybe you're overthinking this one. It might be that the woman doesn't even know her or the other way. Just let it be." Riley said.
"Ok." Ashley said. "If you say so."

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