Chapter 6

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During lunch that day, Ashley and Riley sat down in the cafeteria having lunch which was a whole grain roll and salad when Sarah walked up to them with her tray.
"May I?" She asked looking at Ashley directly.
Ashley didn't want her blabbering again but she didn't want to be rude, so she just nodded her head.
Sarah sat down on the seat. She had only taken a few bites when she started talking again.
"So, where did we leave off?" She said. Ashley couldn't take it anymore.
"Umm...look Sarah, please try to talk less, I'm not used to someone who talks too much. I don't mean to be rude but still...." Ashley said. Sarah seemed stunned for a moment.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your first day." She said apologetically. Ashley was about to speak when three girls with a mean look on their face walked up to their table. Ashley found out later that their names were Valerie, Megan and Samantha.
"Umm...could you guys exit the table we wanna use it." Valerie said. Ashley looked at her. Hard.
Sarah took her tray and wanted to stand up but Ashley stopped her.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"I'm leaving the table." Sarah said.
Wait, what?why?" She asked surprised.
"Apparently, their the school bullies." Riley said.
"Well, that makes sense." Ashley said.
"We're waiting." Megan said.
"C'mon Ashley." Sarah said as if to plead with her. "Just trust me. Riley tell her."
Ashley wasn't ready to listen to anyone.
"Sarah, look around. All the tables are filled up except for that one over there which they just stood up from. I'm not leaving." She said and looked at Riley.
"I'm not too." Riley said. "Finally seen someone that can also stand up to these guys." With that, Sarah just left the table.
Valerie looked mad.
"Look newbie, it would be my pleasure and your own good if you leave. We don't like that table and we want to use yours." Valerie said.
Ashley looked up at her then whispered something into Riley's ear. Riley whispered back.
"Valerie, Megan and Samantha." Nice names." Ashley commented.
"Really? Thanks." Samantha said giggling. Val and Meg both gave her a hard stare and she stopped immediately.
"Now look here newbie, pick up your tray and leave." Valerie said with rising anger. "Or else I'll do it for you."
Ashley looked at her for a moment. By then, everyone's attention was on them. People were surprised to see a newbie stand up to Valerie and her minions.
"Now look here old-timer," Ashley began. I'm not leaving this table whether you like it or not. So go ahead and do your worst." She ended and started eating.
And just like that, Valerie lost it.  She took Ashley's tray and gave it to Samantha who emptied it in the trash can and gave it back to Val. Ashley got mad, but she wasn't ready to get into a fight on her first day. So she just opened her bag pack and brought out a Shakespeare novel and began to read. Riley offered to share her lunch with her and Ashley was more than glad.
Valerie didn't know what to do again. So she just glared at Ashley and said, "Mark my words newbie, I will not spare you." And with that, she and her minions walked off.
Everyone was amazed. The lower graders began to cheer but Ashley didn't seem to care or pay any attention to them.
After school that day, Riley showed Ashley round the school.
"Wow." Ashley said, "Wright Academy really is a big school."
"It is." Riley supported.
After the tour, they sat down on the bleachers to talk a little, but suddenly a familiar face popped up again. Sarah.
"Hi guys." She said.
"What do you want?". Ashley asked.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk." Sarah said and sat down.
"I really like what you did earlier today. Up till today, no one has ever stood up to Val and her gang. Except for Riley of course." Sarah added.
"But I don't really get it. Why do you guys fear her so much. It's not as if she's the principal's daughter. That woman looks way too old and her children should be in college or something." Ashley said.
Riley sighed. "Yeah, that's the problem. Valerie always tops her grades, she is like an idol to the teachers." She said.
"Yes Ashley. You better watch out. She won't stop until you're misreable." Sarah added.
Ashley looked taken aback. "Thanks Sarah. I will."
"Yeah. I don't know if you've noticed but they're also in our class too."
Ashley was surprised. "I didn't notice. I didn't really look around."
"I guess that's why they came up to me. Being a newbie in their class. They thought I would flinch but I gave them a shocking outcome." Those last words made all of them chuckle a little.
"So friends?" Sarah said stretching out a hand forward. Ashley gave her a warm smile before she shook it.
"Yeah, Friends. But please don't talk too much around me."
Sarah laughed. "I'll try."
The trio stood up and began to walk home. They reached a junction and Sarah went left while Ashley and Riley kept moving forward.

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