Chapter 16

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The next day at school during recess, Ashley sat down with Riley in the cafeteria. Sarah and Corkie were still on the lunch line.
"So what do you have to say Riley?" Ashley asked.
Riley stopped chewing. "Say about what?" She said between chows.
"About yesterday. We haven't talked about it yet." Ashley groaned.
"See here, that carving is old. It must have been in their college days or something. Or even after that." Riley said. "But it's a proof that they both lived here."
"I know." Ashley said with sad eyes.
"Hey, don't feel sad. We'll find out the truth." Riley said trying to make her feel better.
"You know, if I find out who my father is, I'm gonna ask him why all this happened." Ashley said. Riley was about to reply when someone interrupted.
"Why what happened?" Sarah asked interrupting them. They didn't notice when Sarah and Corkie approached the table.
"Nothing. Forget it." Ashley said. Sarah and Corkie sat down.
"C'mon, please say. We might be able to help you." Sarah pleaded.
Ashley shot Riley a look and sighed. "Ok fine." Ashley told the both of them everything that happened down till the previous day incident.
"We're so sorry." Corkie said.
"We'll do everything to help you find him. We promise." Sarah pledged.
"And please don't tell anyone." Ashley added.
"No problem." Sarah said. "We won't."
"Can we please eat now?" Riley asked
After recess, while they were all in class, the Geography teacher passed down an assignment to all of them. They were to do it in pairs and he would pair them himself.
The project was for each student to make a research on the distance of each planet from the sun and to make a solar system. They were given a period of two weeks.
"You have 2 weeks to do this assignment, nothing more nothing less." The teacher --Mr. George--said.
*But sir, how are we going to do this." A girl --kenzie-- asked.
"Your problem not mine.". He said with a tone of finality."Now to pair you guys." He said.
The class members stared arguing on who they wanted to be their partner.
"Keep quiet. I will pick myself. You guys are 28 in the class, so I guess two will be enough."
They started to murmur and the teacher began to pair them.
"Riley Adams you pair with Corkie." He said.
"You and you. You and you." He said repeatedly pointing with his fingers.
Sarah got paired up with Kenzie, Megan paired with Samantha and so on.
"Valerie, you will pair with Ashley." The man said.
Valerie reacted even before Ashley could. "No sir please." She said. "I can't pair up with her." The her came out with a shrug.
"Hey, don't talk like that." Ashley berated.
"No need to argue. It's final and if you don't like it don't do the assignment and then you guys fail." He said.
"But sir...." Ashley wanted to talk but the man just wasn't listening.
"No buts." He said. See you later." With that he left the class.
Ashley sighed. "Bummer." Sarah said from behind.
"Barely two weeks and I'm already hating this man." Ashley said.
"It's not your fault. We all do." Sarah comforted and Riley laughed.
Ashley stood up from her seat and went to Valerie. "Can we please do this project in peace. No competition or fighting this time please. Ashley begged. Valerie looked at her and removed her face.
"Why do you care?" Valerie asked.
"I don't know, but I just do." Ashley replied.
Valerie didn't speak. All she knew was that she didn't wanna get paired up with Ashley.
"C'mon Valerie." Ashley nudged. Still no reply from her.
"C'mon. What do you say?" She nudged further.
Valerie looked at her. "Ok fine. I'll think about it, then I'll tell you after school."
"Ok." Ashley said and went back to her seat.
After school, Ashley and Riley were in the hallway when Valerie, Megan and Samantha walked up to them.
"Umm... Ashley. I considered your request and I've agreed. We do it with no rivalry." Valerie said.
"But that doesn't mean we're friends." She added quickly.
"I was hoping we could be and this enmity." Ashley said with hope.
Valerie scoffed. "As if. Just come to my house. Tomorrow's Saturday so come around 10am." She ended and left them.
"C'mon Ash. Let's go home." Riley said.
"You didn't even leave an address." Ashley shouted after Valerie.
"Riley knows it." Samantha spoke shouting back.
Soon Sarah and Corkie joined Ashley and Riley and they went home.

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