Chapter 22

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After school that day, Ashley and Riley were standing in the school hallway when Valerie walked up to them. Surprisingly, Valerie hadn't done anything or caused trouble in a while.

"When are you coming over to make the planets?" She asked.

"I don't know Val, it should...." Ashley wasn't done talking when she got interrupted. Again.

"Yeah, don't call me that. I mean Val."

"Seriously, what is wrong with people and interruptions today?" Riley muttered irritatingly but Ashley heard her and said, "As if you knew what I wanted to say."

"Anyways Valerie," Ashley said stressing on her name. "It'll be on Saturday."

"Isn't it too far. We're submitting this project next week Friday. You know that right?"

Ashley sighed. "I know. What about the base?"

"My cousin is bringing it on Friday."

"Ok. Anything else?" Ashley asked.

"I don't think there's anything else Ash. We've got to go." Riley said tugging on Ashley's arm.

"Yes." Valerie said ignoring Riley's comment. "Come over on Wednesday."


"To figure out each planet's distance."

"Why can't you just do it alone?" Ashley asked then glanced at Riley who was sulking.

"Err...It's a team project thing." Valerie said as if stating the obvious. "So you have to come over."

Ashley knew there was no need arguing any longer. "Fine, I'll come." She said.

"Good." Valerie said and walked off.

"Let's go." Riley said dragging her along.

They came outside the school and met Sarah and Corkie waiting. Surprisingly, Cole and Roy were with them.

"Hey." Cole said when he saw Ashley and Riley walking up to them.

"Hi." Ashley replied.

"So you four kinda walk home together?" Cole asked.

"Not really." Riley said'

"Yeah. There's a point where we go separate ways." Corkie said.

"What place is that?" Roy asked.

"Sesame." Sarah replied.

"Riley and I continue moving forward, Sarah goes left and Corkie goes right." Ashley explained further.

"Ok." Cole said.

"Our road is this way." Roy said pointing down the left side of the road.

"Well, we'll leave you guys. Bye Ashley. Bye Sarah." Cole said. "You too." He added pointing and waving at Sarah and Corkie.

"Bye." Ashley said.

Cole and Roy left while Ashley and her friends started walking on the other side of the road.

"Cole actually likes you." Sarah said with a squeal to Ashley."

"Shut up. How do you know that?" Ashley said.

"Well, my mind says so." Sarah said.

"Give it a break Sarah." Riley said.

"Roy does the same for you too." Sarah said to Riley and she face-palmed.

"Oh, keep quiet. Just because we met two guys today doesn't mean we'll start dating tomorrow." Ashley said rolling her eyes.

"You may never know." Sarah said smiling."

"They're nice guys. But I I think they're a little too nice." Corkie stated.

"I dunno." Ashley said. "Enough of the boy talk."

Sarah giggled and Ashley just ignored her and continued. "Back in New York, I was never approached by any boy. They all thought I was mean because I was tough."

"This is just your third week here." Corkie said.

"I guess. We are all just friends. Case closed." Ashley said simply.

"Here's our stop." Corkie said. "Bye guys." She added and turned right.

"Bye too." Sarah said and turned right. Ashley and Riley moved down the block when Ashley remembered that she forgot to collect one of her textbooks from Sarah.

"I forgot one of my books with Sarah."

"Well, let's go back. She mustn't have gone that far." Riley suggested.

They moved back and turned left but they didn't see her.

"What the..." Ashley said surprised. "We just left her here. Where could she have gone. How did she just disappear?" There's no way she could have walked that fast.

"I don't understand too. There are no bends or corners or alleyways here." Riley said.

Ashley didn't know what to say. She couldn't have gone that far, unless with a ride. But who would give her that ride. Sarah had said her mom works until 6pm and has no time to pick her up from school. Same with her dad.

"Let's just go home." Riley added.

"Weird." Ashley said as she and Riley turned back to go home.

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