Chapter 15

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"Ashley, I'm home." Lilianna said as soon as she entered the house.
"Welcome." Ashley replied as she came out of the kitchen with a bottle of water.
"What's for dinner?" She asked handing her the bottle of water.
"Hmm..." Her mom thought. "I dunno maybe goulash."
"Ok." Ashley said. "Here's your bottle."
"Oh thanks." Her mom said. Ashley looked at her mom as she drank the water. She didn't know how to ask her mom the question she wanted to ask. Lilianna noticed the state and broke the gaze with a question.
"Anything dear? Why the stare?"
Ashley quickly broke off her thoughts. "Nothing. I just wanted ask you something."
"Ok, but not now. After dinner." Her mom said.
"Ok. I'll be in my room. She said going upstairs.
"Doing what? Won't you lend a hand in the kitchen?"
"Doing Assignments." She replied without looking back.

"Hello." A muscular voice said.
"Hi brother. Why calling me today." A cheerful voice at the other end said.
Nothing much. How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine." The cheerful voice replied.
"Good. Now meet me in my office now. Come alone." He said in an authorative tone.
"Just get her Raymond. No questions asked." He said and ended the call.
The cheerful voice-Raymond- just sighed and picked up his car keys from the table and left the office to his brother's office.

After dinner, Lilianna sat down to watch Tv. Ashley was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Once she was done she came out and went to lock the front door.
"So what did you want to ask me Ash?" Her mom reminded.
Ashley sat down opposite her.
"I just wanted to know when you and dad first met." Ashley said.
"Hmm.....Why do you ask?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to know." Ashley replied sweetly.
"Ok. We met in a park. During our college days." Her mom replied. "Wow. In which country?" She asked again.
Lilianna wanted to give a quick answer to that question but stopped immediately. "California." Ashley got her answer. She knew what her mom wanted to say but then some answers confused her.
"Our college was in California but we didn't live there. We lived in a different country. We only went there during school days and travelled home for the holidays." Her mom added. Ashley knew her mom wasn't lying. She knows her mom went to Massachusetts in California. The certificate was there to prove it. Which country did you guys live in then?" Ashley asked.
"Just sleep honey. I'm tired." Her mom said and stood up. "Good night."

"Hey brother." Raymond said.
"You're here. Sit down." He replied.
"So what's up? Why call me here Richard?" He asked sitting.
"I wanted to tell you something."
"Lili's back." He said.
Raymond's expression changed.
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