Chapter 9

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By 7pm that evening, the doorbell rang. Ashley opened the door and Riley and her Family walked in.
"Good evening Mr and Mrs Adams." Ashley greeted.
"Good evening dear." They said.
Lilianna came out of the kitchen. "Good evening Mr and Mrs Adams." She said and gestured them a seat.
Riley had an older brother named Ryan. He was tall and there was no denial in the fact that he was cute.
During dinner, they spent their time getting to know each other. After dinner, Ashley took Riley up to her room.
"Wow..... I love your room." Riley said.
They sat on the bed.
"You know, my best friend Lily, said she wants to meet you." Ashley said.
"That's cool. Call her then." Riley said.
Ashley then stood up and switched on her laptop. Then she called Lily.
Lily answered immediately.
"Hi Lily."
"Hello Ashley." She said.
"Riley come over here." Ashley said. Riley stood up from the bed and came over to the table.
"Hi. I'm Riley." She said.
"So you're Riley. What a pleasure to meet you."
"Yeah. It is."
"Ok. Ashley, please can you call me back tomorrow. I'm very busy at the moment."
"Ok." Ashley said.
"Good night then."
"Good night." Ashley said and ended the call.
"Ashley can I ask you a question?" Riley said.
"Yeah, you can."
"I've always wanted to ask. What about your Father?" Riley asked.
Ashley didn't reply. She just looked down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring back old memories." Riley apologized when she noticed Ashley's change of mood.
"It's okay." Ashley said. "I think I trust you enough to tell you."
"Okay. So what happened?"
Ashley took a deep breath, then told Riley everything, exactly as she told Lily.
"Wow.... I'm so sorry." Riley said.
"I know."
"But I'm sure your mom has a good reason for keeping him away from you if he were to be alive."
"I don't understand anything." Ashley said.
Riley placed her hand on Ashley's shoulder.
"Hey. I'm from LA, and I've always wanted to solve mysteries. I'll help you find out the truth." Riley said.
Ashley looked at Riley. "Really?" She asked.
"Yeah. We can start next week."
"No problem. Ashley said. "But please don't tell anyone."
Just then, Riley's mom called out to them to come downstairs. Once they were down, Riley's parents were ready to leave.
"It's time to go home." Riley's mom said.
"Ok mom."
"Good night Ashley. Good night Mrs Kim." Riley said and left the house with her family.
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