Chapter 5

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The next morning, Ashley had just finished her breakfast when the doorbell rang. Her mum opened the door and saw a girl the same age as Ashley. She had brown hair and black eyes.
"Hi. I'm Riley. Riley Adams." She said all smiles.
"Good morning to you too." Her mom said.
I'm sorry. I'm your next door neighbor. My family was told a few days ago that you would be moving here, that we should be nice and that your daughter will be attending my school." Riley explained. "So I'm her me for her." She added.
"Ashley, Riley's here." Her mom said.
Ashley came up to the door. When she saw Riley, she smiled at her. "Hi."
"Hi. I'm Riley. Riley Adams." She said again.
"Nice name. I'm Ashley. Ashley Kim." Ashley introduced. "And this is my mum, Lilianna."
"Ok. Well let's go. We don't wanna be late."
"Ok." Ashley said.
"Hold on. Collect some lunch money from your mum first."
Ashley looked at her mum. Her mum understood quite right and went to go get some money from her.
After she had given Ashley the money and a spare key to the house, Ashley and Riley started going to school. They talked along the way getting to know each other. The reached the school in 25 minutes. As they walked in Ashley breathed out and prayed not to have a bad first day. Riley took her straight to the principal's office.
Their principal, Mrs Smith was a strict looking woman in her 50s.
"Good morning ma." Riley greeted and Ashley did the same.
"Good morning students." She replied imitating a Canadian accent.
"I'm Ashley. Ashley Kim. I'm new here." Ashley spoke.
"Oh." the principal nodded her head and she understood Mr Hurley had given her all the information already.
"Ok.  Take this. She said as she handed a form over to her. "Fill it in." She added.
Ashley filled it in immediately and handed it back to the principal who stamped it and handed it back to her. "Take this to the administrative office, they will assign a class to you." She told her.
"Thank you." Ashley said. As they were about to leave, Mrs Smith called out again.
"Riley. Show her around." She said.
"Yes ma'am." Riley said as they left the office.
"You know her?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah....It's because I was a hall monitor before."
they went to the administrative office and Ashley was given the class. She was put in the same class as Riley.
"I'm glad we're in the same class." Ashley said as they left the office.
"Me too." Riley said.
Just then the bell for class rank up students started leaving the hallway.
"I guess I'll show u around later. Let's get to class." Riley said and changed direction.
"Ok. No problem." Ashley spoke as she followed her.
"And, I sit in the third row. There's an empty seat next to mine." Riley added.
They reached class soon. Riley took Ashley to her seat. Everyone was looking at Ashley, but she didn't care that much and made sure to play it cool.
One of the kids came up to her desk. It was a girl.
"Hi. I'm Sarah." She said.
"Hi." Ashley replied.
"I can see you're new here but no need to feel scared."
"I never said I was....." Ashley was still talking when the teacher entered and Sarah went back to her seat. She sat right next to the girl in front of Ashley.
Everyone greeted the teacher.
"That Sarah is a talkative." Riley whispered to Ashley.
Ashley nodded her head. "I can see that. Who's she?"
That's the physics teacher. I'll show you the timetable later."
The teacher by name Miss Simion, spotted Ashley.
"I've never seen you in my class before." She said.
Ashley was about to speak when Sarah spoke up for her.
"Umm....yes miss Simion. She's new here."
Ashley rolled her eyes before she spoke. "Yes ma'am. I'm Ashley. Ashley Kim."
"Ok. The teacher said. "Now let's back to our lessons for the day."
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